It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any copyright clearances. Permission to publish material from this/these transcript(s) must be obtained from the Supervisor of Reference Services and/or the L. Tom Perry Special Collection Coordinating Committee. [Notes added by transcribers are in square brackets. Dashes in square brackets indicate unclear words or letters. indicate words the author inserted to a previously written line.] MSS 537 – Archibald Gardner Autobiography Number of Pages: 105 ----- new page (MSS537_p002.jpg) 915 1/2 75 56 30 1/2 305 1/2 24\7 30/56 0 8\18 30/2 24\7 61/5600\91 6 3 91 1/2 21 03 1/2 30 210 549 5493 225 111 1/2 260 14 110 94 3 202 240 61 1857 1825 1 120 49 1203 13 203 300 552 6 53 1/3 184 1218 6 2392 525 332 92 1443 2484 1840 22-- 12 over pd 7 settlement Urth Packet Per Rockhill 1288 126-- 48 1888 2484 5660 68 1/2 59 70 492. 51 75 696 50 225 88 86 59 50 718 39 229 815 70 6 718 39 1374 158 497, 31 87 2 174 43 6 218 30 68 50 148 6 888 17 16 6 6 102 96 38 1/2 3 114 1 50 115 50 14 60 30 10 MSS. 537 ----- new page (MSS537_p003.jpg) [first column] Luther Adamson < > A Alkins Joseph Brice Ebenezer B Barney Lewis Buttler John L Beby c Labins & Co Boin Blacksmith Bjarnson Samuel Berry John Page Archibald Georg Cottron Zebede < > C Courtis Erastus Duncan James D Dority Derrick Davis Post Master Eli Ashcraft > E [second column] Fowlet Farlinee O D F Gardner Archibald G Green Samuel Gilbert Richard Gardner A Acount with Con Gardner A & J L Buttler Gorgesinson Lars Gunison Erick Hans Fredrick H Hawks Joshua Harop Joseph Higginson James S Harkley Hamilton A M Hiouse Acount [third column] Jones Washington J Jacobs Norton Jacobs Leucian [-]ilfiol Andrew K Lewis Elias L Larter Henery ----- new page (MSS537_p004.jpg) Miller Fredrick Page 5 M Murray John Sen Page 9 Murray John Jr Page 30 74 Murray Richard Page 18 Mill Work 33 Workham Stephen Page 19 <64> Murray John Sen Page 10 <& 44 Page> Mc SEinley John Page 50 Money Richard Page 59 Meyer John Page 2 N O Perkins D W Page 12 P Patterson Samuel P 20 Packet Charles Page 47 Parker Glowry Page 51 Q R Raymond Franklin P 21 Robison James Page 23 Reid Luther Page 6 & 62 & 68 Robison Thomas Page 31 Stow J P. Page 6 S Shirts Peter Pag 43 Stewart Thomas Page <53> Saw Mill Expences Stewart Page <78> T Thomson Sam 24 U ----- new page (MSS537_p005.jpg) [first column] V Ward William W Williams Andrew Wilson Bradley Wilson W.W Wilson David Watson <1860> Robert X [second column] Y Young School Teacher Z ----- new page (MSS537_p006.jpg) Archibald Gardner ----- new page (MSS537_p007.jpg) 1858 James Duncan Aug 9 Comenced this Morning to work at $2-50 cts & found per Day to be Paid in Flour at 6cts. by counting it in the if he waits till Next summer Tabacco is to be found all [---] ne half & to have at least one quarter in cloth home Made) and one half in home Madecloth 1860 John Moyer By labour at lace up to Dcer 14th 1859 18 Days to be Paid in flour at 5 cents pall at 11 Doll fifty Cents Per dy 27 00 Jany 3. by 11 Days work in mill at 1 Doll 50 Cents Per dy to be paid 16 50 Decr 3 to Cloth for Pants 5 25 43 50 Mill bill up to Jan 3 2 bushel wheat 56 lbs flour 33 lbs bran 7 29 March 31 to 25 lbs Flour at 5 cts 12 54 April 6 to 595 lbs Flour at 5 cts <1 25> 13 79 29 71 43 50 ----- new page (MSS537_p008.jpg) Samuel Green 1858 [-] G Aug 26 Big Share of Digging Mill Foundation 12 88 " By Snakeing timber to Big Spring in Loaffer Kanyon 4 Days at $4 per Day 16 00 " By 6 Days Digging Foundation at $150 per Day 9 00 By 8 Days work at making Roads in Kanyon & other work at Thanish 8 00 By 8 Days going with carding Machine to Cottonwood & holling Lumber to Cedar Valey 8 00 to one Waggon $5200 to one yoke of oxen Shoeing $600 58 00 <53 88> Aug 26 By 7 Days work at $100 per Day By Share of Digging Foundation $1288 19 88 " By 17 Days at $150 per Day Digging Foundation & holling timber 25 00 " to two & A half weeks Board at $2 per week 5 00 15 00 " to one Blanket 2 1/4 yds long 2 yds wide for over Shirt & Sleeves &c 10 00 carried below<30 38> oct 23 to Red Shirt $3 to Pants $6 to check shirting 6 yds at 50 cts $3 12 00<15 00> By 31 Days Work of Man & oxen at $3 per Day 93 00 By 6 Days of Self 12 00 to Shoes $4 Shirt 3 check 3 Dollars Socks $1 Pants $6 cash $20 37 00 <105 00> to one Waggon $50-00 50 00 Dec 4 By 25 Days at 30 Dollars A Month <87 00> 28 85 Dec 4 By 23 Days of oxen at one Dollar per Day 23 00 to one Pair of Buckskin Mitts at 150 1 50 <156 85> <1859>Jan 6 By 8 Days in Saw Mill at 100 per Day 4 for A 3 of Self at 100 per Day to 3 Days of oxen at50 took Down <88 50> 170 35 <13 50> <1859>May 1 we Settled at this Date for all work Done at Spanish Fork the Days at Due at this Date 81 85 <[--] 88 50> but not for work Done on New contrat at $2 per Day all Board Letter 112 23 <30 38> being 30 Dollars & work Done to Pay for it to amount of 30 Dollars A Gardner to cloth for Pants $5.25. to one Pair of socks $1.00 6 25 By one Note of 375 cts 3 75 <1859>May 1 6 35 <115 98> to cash $30 & $43 d 73 00 <109 73> <1860> March<22> to transfered to Cottonwood 36 73 109 73 ----- new page (MSS537_p009.jpg) Fredrick Hanson 4 858 Dr cr My 26 By Share of Digging Mill Pitt 24 84 By Snakeing timbers to Big Spring in Loafer Kanyon 16 00 By snakin 6 Days Digging Foundations at $150 per Day 9 00 By 8 Days work at Makeing Roads & other work at Spanish Fork 8 00 By 8 Days work going to Cottonwood & halling Lumber to cedar Valley 8 00 to one Waggon $5200 & Shoeing one yoke of oxen $600 65 84 58 00 to two & A half weeks Board at $2 Dollars per week 5 00 to one over Shirt $6-50 one Pair of Shoes $3-50 63 00 10 00 By 18 work of Man &oxen at $3 per day 54 00 By 26 Days of himself at $150 per Day 39 00 [---] 27to Paid George Thompson for Bull 45 25 <158 84> to one Red Shirt $3-50 cash $10-00 13 50 <118 25> ec4 By 30 Days work at one Dollar per Day since oct 27 or last settlement <131 75> 30 00 By going Down the Kanyon one Night after Dark with team omitted in settlement 1 00 ec 6<858> Fred comenced this Morning at $15 per Month to be Paid in Flour at $6 per 100k 189 84 arch 31 to 25 lbs Flour at 5 cts For Patriarchal blessing 1 25 <1862> eb 5 By 4 Days at $1,50 Perday to be paid out of the mills <133 00> 6 00 5 By 5 Days of man & oxen at $250 cts per Day to be paid out of the mills 12 50 By Doing little Jobs around the mills $3 to be paid out of the mills 3 00 10 By 1 day of oxen at $1 per day By 3 Days pf self at $1,50 cts per Day 6 50 March By 5 Day of self & 4 Days of oxen 11 50 ay 2 By 1 Day of oxen & 1 Day of self $2.50 May 8th By 2 Day of oxen & 2 days of 7 50 [-]gar 42 to 35 ft at 4 cts Sept 30 to 456 ft at 3 cts 54 slabs at 25 $10 [---] 476 2 to Luther Reid 364 ft 4 cts 3[-] 73ft 4 cts 235 84 21 84 35.84 30 00 57 57 205 84 1 40 134 40 30 00 104 40 ----- new page (MSS537_p010.jpg) Fredrick Miller 1858 Dr Cr Aug 26 By Share of Digging Grist Mill Foundation 18 40 By 14 Days herding cattle to be Paid in Pants which was Paid 7 00 7 00 By 28 Days Serving Masson & other work at $100 per day 28 00 By 15 clohes Days at $150 per Day 22 50 to Mending Shoes 50 cts By one Shirt & Makeing $8 8 50 75 90 oct 13 to cordiroy for Coat & Pants & Gloves & other Goods in Radford Store 28 38 oct 16 By 35 Days work in Kanyon at $1 per Day 35 00 <1858>Dec 4 By 14 Days work at Cottonwood at $1 per Day in Flour at 6 cts 14 00 Dec 4 to two Pair of Socks at one Dollar A Pair to cash $6 8 00 B to Paid at cottonwood 31 88 124 90 49 00 100 88 ----- new page (MSS537_p011.jpg) J.P. Stow 858 Luther Reid c 10 to one Pair blankets $18 & 5 lbs coffee & 5 lbs suggar at 65 cts per lbs $6.50 cts 24.50 " to one pair of Boots $8 one Pair of Shoes $2-50 cts two Red Shirts $7 & 5 yds Factory 19 25 " to 3 Augres 480 3 Augre Bits at 5 cts each 150 6 30 <859>arch 21 to 6 1/2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts per plug to Petter White & 2 plugs to Reulon at 50 cts & 2 Plugs at 75 cts for 5 75 <50 05> " to one Augre Bitt 50 cts 2 chalk tines 50 cts 3 files at 25 cts each 75 cts 1 75 pril 11 to 3 files at 25 cts 75 rile 22 to 3 2/3 yds Double Wide $3-50 per yd 12 83 May 12 to 110 lbs Flour & 3 yds Factory at 33 cts per yd or $1 Paid Curtis 7 40 Credit By change to John murry 11 50 ne 28 to Syth Sneath & Whitstone $8 Pencil 50 cts 4lb coffie at 60 cts half lb Tea <$>1.50 cts 12 40 ly to 3 yds of Linsey from Margret at 150 per yd, July 20 to cash $3 7 50 22 to 3 files at 25 cts to 6 yds of Linsey at $150 per yd 9 75 Aug 3 to 3 yds of Jeans at 175 cts per yd By W Barney to 1 1/2yd of Jeans at 175 10 50 7 to 9 1/2 yds of Jeans at $300 per yd being Double width & 5 Dollars cash 33 50 8 to cash or Rather order on Markham $14 per Johns & one Broom per self <125 cts> 15 25 15 To 1 3/8 yds of cloth Double width at $3 per yd by J Wilkin 4 12 1/2 8 to 2 hand Saw files at 25 cts 50 9 to Soap <& Mellons> got from Petter Shirts & Paid by A Gardner 16 50 21 to Paid Curtis Rope $125 By Lundenes 90 Glass $7-20 Boots $8 17 35 " to carpenters tools half inch Augre 50 cts 2 chizels $3 cast steel chizels $8 11 50 " to two Augre Bits one 5 eights one 7 eights at 25 cts a quarter Page Book 50 cts 2 37 1/2 22 to goods at curtis 11 97 1/2 16 to goods at Markhams 22 09 " to goods at Curtis 17 40 " to one Waggon Delivered at Spanish Fork & 5 cts for wheat got of Follets v 23 to Paid Davis Post Master your order of $855 Beace Bits 75 cts Rash 75 10 05 " to 82 lb of Beef at 7 1/2 cts per lb & four lb Wool Rolls at 75 cts 9 15 Carried to 29/44 ----- new page (MSS537_p012.jpg) [-] William Ward Norton Jacobs Aprile 18 to 100 lbs Flour & 3 yds cloth at $1.75 cts per yd 11 25 Aprile 28 to 113 lbs Flour & 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts 7 28 28 to 1 1/2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts per plug 75 May 30 To 100 lbs Flour & 3 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 4 50 June 4 To 2$ cash 2 00 [-] to 160 lbs Flour at 6 cts + 9 60 July 2 To Syth Smith & Whitstone $8 July 2 to 50 lbs Flour 11 00 June 30 [--] by 34 1/2 Days work 103 50 30 to 100 lb Flour Aug 6 to 194 lbs Flour & 4 1/2 yds cloth at $3 per yd 31 14 Aug 10 to 107 lb Flour at 6 cts 6 42 23 to 80 lb Flour Aug 27 to 105 lb Flour Sep. 8th to 105 lb Flour 17 40 Sep 9 to Soap got from Petter shirts Paid by A Gardner 6 25 Aug 31 To 29 1/2 Days at $3 per Day 88 50 Sep 15 to 3 Plugs Tobaco at 10 cts 30 21 To Paying for Dagrotype $13-50 To Pols Book 50 14 00 22 to cash $8 goods at Curtis $7-11 15 11Oct 15 to 12 yd of Double width cloth at 350 per yd & $5-25 & order on Curtis 125 6 50 " To Beef & Mutton got at Rileys & Drapper 5 50 " To 7 Bsh & 57 lb of Wheat after it was Deducted for Smutting +$ 9799 15 90 52 50 Oct 1 By 17 1/2 Days at $3 per Day 18 to 138 lb of Beef got from Stephen Markham at 8 cts 11 04 to 10 lb of Wool Rolls at 75 cts 8 lbs rolls + 150 7 50 Nov 1 to 3 yds of Cloth at 175 per yd for Son 5 25 26 to 74 lb of Beef at 7 1/2 cts per lb 5 55 Dec 1 to 3 Plane Trims at 150 each 3 lb coffie at 45 per lb Pensil 25 cts for Wife $100 1 00 Dec 2 to 2 Plugs Tobaco at 12 1/2 25 Oct 31 By 24 Days work in Oct at 350 per Day Nov 31 By 28 1/2 Days at 350 per Day 183 75 Dec 31 By 24 1/2 Days in this Month at $350 per Day 85 16 Jan 19th By 13 3/4 Days Work at $3 50 Per Day 118 12 carried to next Page 19 748501 53 ----- new page (MSS537_p013.jpg) Richard Gilbert 355 to paid at Spanish Fork one Blanket to Flour at Spanish Fork 370 lb at 6 cts 22 20 ct13 to paid sister Gilbert in cash $5 00 to Bed tik 10 yds at 35 cts per yd $3 50 8 50 to one Load of Hals Hauled by Larse Larson at 12 1/2 cts each ril 26 to found on Mill Day Book 54 lb Flour at 6 cts 3 24 to half Bsh Wheat at $ 2 per Bsh 1 00 May 6 to 100 lb Flour at 6 cts 6 00 ct 28 to 2 1/2 Bsh Wheat at $ 2 per Bsh found on of Mill Book 5 00 [-]ct 19 <1859> Settled at Big Cottonwood & paid in Blacksmithing 45 94)(45 94 Norton Jacobs 1860 brought from 561 53 197 48 [-] C L by Erros 2 47 Sundries from mill up to date 50 65 564 00 John to Berry account 26 95 Stephens Markham acct of goods Paid himself to mark[--] 43 49 Goods at Curtis 87 00 March 2. Mill acct up to Date 7 bushel wheat 1 1/2 bushel meal 17 00 march 20 to 3 Bsh Wheat one Bsh & 45 lb at at $ 2 per Bsh 9 50 22 {to 35 feet Lumber for Coffie 15 feet for C[--]r Grave 432 07 {making 50 feet - 2 Dole Makeing Coffie 3 Doler 5 00 to Cr. Br. Reed for waggon as ballance due him 30 00 to Cr. Bishop Buttler by verbal order of left 17 58 to over Paid store goods 18 00 502 65 to acctt from Curtis per date 15 72 to old acctt from Jordon 12 Doler 50 Cts 51 837 2 by Cr. from Lucien Jacobs 12 50 Ballance due Norton Jacobs at Settlement $34 n 38 Car 530 87 <1 25> 565 25 to be paid in wheat at 2 doler Per bushel carried to ----- new page (MSS537_p014.jpg) John Mury 1858 Dr Cr Oct to let Sister Mury to let have 11 yds of Lindy one yd & 4 inches wide " to let her have store order on Radford 15 Dollars & cash 50 cts 15 50 Dec 11 By Retturned of the above order 4 28 " By Framing Grist Mill at Spanish Fork 200 00 " By Having fixing waggers & sundries 15 10 " to cash store goods Home Made cloth Flour & Sundries 105 86 " By one Pig $4 4 00 <1859> Jan 7 To paid 400 lb Flour at Cottonwood to Raise $18 cash for curtis 24 00 " to let John Murray have one Red Shirt on John Murray account 3 50 " to one yoke of oxen & one Pair of Boots 100 00 " By Shingleing Grist Mill & Weather Boarding 100 00 " to Tobaco at Radfords 2 00 <323 38> to 8 plugs tobaco at Cottonwood by the hand of John Murry at 50 cts per plug <250 86> 400 to two lb Coffee the Day I left last for Cottonwood 1 30 March 21 to since I left last time 3 Plugs Tobaco at 50 cts brought with me 5 lb coffie at 65 cts 4 75 to 93 lb Flour to 150 lb Flour to Borensen your order to 105 lb March 2d to 220 lb March 10th 33 96 Feb 21 to 90 lb of Flour 5 40 March 21 to 5 Plugs at 50 cts & 3 Plugs at 75 cts 4 75 21 By Paying James Robison for 84ft Lumber <30502> 3 36 March 23 to 76 lbs of Flour 4 56 <326 74> Aprile 1 to 91 lbs Flour at 6 cts 5 46 Aprile 11 to 118 lbs Flour & one file at 25 cts 7 33 Aprile16 to 91 1/2 lbs Flour & one plug Tobaco at 50 cts 6 00 Aprile 20 to 182 lbs Flour 10 92 Aprile 22 to Cloth $15-70 & Tobac $3 18 70 April 29 38 1/2 Days work at mill 357 99 115 50 Sundries at mill 14 50 Saw mill Dr by Labour 16 By richard at Saw mill 12.72 at mill 7 20 19 92 continued on Next Page 492 76 ----- new page (MSS537_p015.jpg) Henry Green John Murry Brought from Lost Page 357 99 492 76 ay 1 to $2 in cash for plain bit 2 00 4 to 2 plugs Tobaco 1 00 5 to 55 1/2 lbs Flour to 73 1/2 lbs Flour to 110 lbs Flour 14 34 11 to 4 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 2 00 20 to 4 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 2 00 23 to 109 lbs Flour at 6 cts 6 54 30 to 4 plugs Tobaco at 50 ct, & $3 in cash 5 00 1 to 42 & 1/2 lbs Flour at 6 cts 2 55 [--] to 44 & 1/2 lbs Flour at 6 cts by Son[-]inlaw 2 67 to 6 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 3 00 to 50 lbs Flour at 6 cts per lbs by Barkdoll 3 00 0 to 66 lbs Flour at 6 cts pr lbs 3 96 . to 6 Plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 3.005 to 58 1/2 lbs Flour June the 20 to 88 lbs Flour 8 79 to one wagon at $25 on Flour & cash acount 84.85 25 00_ –– 22 to 30 lbs Flour to 68 lbs Flour at 6 cts June the 26 to 50 lbs Flour recieved 8 88 28 to Syth Sneath & Whitstone $8 4 lb Coffie at 60 cts per lb 10 40 ly 1 to 303 lbs Flour at 6 cts June 27 to 25 lbs Flour 19 68 5 to 121 lbs Flour 7 26 <96 00> June 30 Cer by 32 Days work 96 00 uly 20 to cash $4 two Plugs Tobaco at 30 cts to coffie at Markhams 4 lb at 60 cts 4 00 y 11 to 68 lb Flour by Jeryemiah from Margret in Neils Absence 4 08 21 to 77 lb Flour By Jermiah July 26 to 68 lb Flour by John Moyes 8 70 29 to 55 lb Flour Aug 3 83 lb Flour Aug 4 to 56 lb Flour Aug 5 to 71 lbs by 15 90 ug 7 to cash $ 750 7 50 8 to gave an order on Markham to John Moyes 6 0 " to charged on Markham Book in trade for oxen 25 00 12 to 70 1/2 lb Flour by Jerimiah Aug 18th to 71 lb Flour per self at 6 cts 8 49 13 to 102 lb Flour by Moyes Sep 3d to 88 lb Flour at 6 cts 11 40 took to 58073 58876 ----- new page (MSS537_p016.jpg) Ebenezer Brice comeced work at $3.00 per Day he finding himself to be Paid in cloth one quarter this Fall & if he waits he is to have an other quarter Next spring only what he takes up in Sundires as one half is to be in Flour at 6 cts some here at Spanish Fork & some at Big Aug 13 By Receiving in Poppes $2-00 [--] 2 00 <1858> Nov13 to Paid Robert Weimer on your acount on an old Debt for Fish 4 50 March 21 to Chalk lines 50 cts one file 25 cts 3 Plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 2 25 Aprile 9 .to 40 lbs Flour to Farling your order for bench screw 2 40 9 15 ----- new page (MSS537_p017.jpg) D W Perkins By Receiving in Papper Curency at Cottonwood $1400 & $200 from his wife to be Paid 16 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p018.jpg) Andrew Hilford 1858 took contract of getting out timber at 20 cts per foot Runing Measure To be paid in cloth & the ballance in Flour at 6 cts per lb June <10> to 77 lb Flour 4 62 July <12> to 21 lb " 1 26 to order in Cottonwood Mills per Welsh 400 lbs 24 00 July 19 to Perkins & Brice 648 1/2 lb Flour Williams & Brand 167 lb per Lex 100 lb all your order 54 93 " to Flour per Barney 133 1/3 per self July 15 120 lb July 28 to 300 lb per self 33 20 Aug 9 to your order per John Barney 53 lbs Do your order $800 in Flour per John Barney 8 00 to cloth Perkins & Brice your order $12-00 Williams & Brand in cloth $1100 23 00 to yourself in cloth 12 00 Aug 13 to cloth for Pants for John Robison $600 By Paying curensy $2-00 4 00 25 to cloth for Pants to Georg Snell & Josua Hawks one Pair your order 12 00 " to one 100 lb Flour to J Snell & 100 lb Flour to J Hawks at 6 cts 12 00 March <22> By 826 ft of Hewed & flatted Timber at 20 cts per foot 189 01 165 20 ----- new page (MSS537_p019.jpg) Lewis Barney By 556 ft of Lumber at Mill Delivered By John Barney at 4 cts 22 00 <859> [--] 6 to cloth for 5 Pair of Pants at $6 for Pair 30 00 to 344 lb Flour at 6 cts 20 64 By 272ft at Mill per John Barney & 456 ft by strong at 4 cts 50 64 29 12 By 2022ft sawed in Iconttin & Sundrries at $1-33<3>, cts 26 96 By 2672 ft of square timber Hauled to Springs at 133<3> cts 35 63 March 24 to 156 1/2 lbs Flour at 6 cts 9 39 91 71 May 25 to 68 1/2 lbs Flour at 6 cts 4 11 [-]une 2 to 67 lbs Flour to to 68 lbs Flour at 6 cts 8 10 [-]e 13 to 68 1/2 lbs Flour at 6 cts to 75 lbs Flour June 24 to 86 lbs Flour at 6 cts 13 74 ly 1 to 85 lb Flour July 4 to 77 lbs Flour 85 78 11 to 68 lb Flour Same week 81 lb per self July 20 per self 68 lb all at 6 cts 13 02 21 to 60 lb Flour at 6 cts July 25 to 100 lb Flour Aug 7th to 49 lb Flour at 6 cts 12 54 [-]ug 7 to cash $10 10 00 8 to John BarneyX29 lb Flour & 6 3/4 of cloth at $3 per yd in all 22 00 to paid Ashcraft one Day for Butting Logs for you 2 00 9 to 94 lb Flour Aug 18 to 40 lb Flour at 6 cts by John Barney 5 04 0 to 86 lb Flour Aug 22 to 110 lb Flour by John Barney Aug 27 to 21 lb 13 02 29 to 75 lb Flour at 6 cts to 23 lb by Ben Barney Sep 6 to 26 lb Flour by 7 44 18 to 58 lb Flour at 6 cts 3 48 9 By 5225 ft of Lumber in the Log at $266 2/3 cts per 100 ft *text written vertically down the side* 177 32 139 39 By 200 ft of Lumber out of John Barneys Logs at $266 2/3 35 333 By 775 ft out of Barneys Logs , , 236 43 By 220 ft out of W Barneys Logs , , , , , , , , 20 66 By 250 ft out of Ben Barneys Logs , , , , , , , , 5 87 to Butting & Sawing Logs at Saw Mill 1 00 6 66 to 30 lb Flour 16th Sep to 42 lb per John Barney 43 22 69 62 14 to 10 lb Flour at 6 cts 60 26 To Paid John Murray your order Seventeen Bsh Wheat 183 24 Carried to 34 00 217 24 ----- new page (MSS537_p020.jpg) Luther Reid comenced to work at the Grist Mill at Spanish Fork at $4.00 per Day to have half of his Pay in Flour at 6 cents the other half in cloth & other sundires ----- new page (MSS537_p021.jpg) 1858 Cash account [-]t Paid John Richards for Halling Lunches 928 & 8942 <& one dollar for fixing badge> & at 50 cts per 100th 10 30 Paid Grant on Huntsakes Note in cash $70 Dollars in place of a Note 70 00 Paid W Merril for Brice & Parking in Store Pay 6 Dollars & cash $600 12 00 Paid Henry clark in Store order in favour of Perkins & Brice 7 25 & Paid in cash to St Clark 5o in cash for Perkins 50 Paid Willis Lemons order $10 pair clearly order $10 in favour of Brice <& Perkins> 20 00 Paid to Perkins & Brice in cash & goods Due on contract of Logs in W & Flour to Park & Brice $3732 3752 for 2 28 Standard Logs at upper grove & 2 half Days work with some 146 88 Oct 14 Paid Brice for teeming to camp $10 Paid David Park for teeming to camp $10 20 00 '' Paid James Park for Work in Kanyon 5 Days $7-50 cts for Ward $4 for 2 Days halling Dobies 18 50 '' Paid Russel for work in Kanyon in cash $20 Due yet in store ower $18 50 '' for one Month work lacking half A Day at 39 Dollars per month 38 50 '' Paid Bodder for shoeing mule $38 one dollar on shoeing horse Due $2 Paid Duncan & Batty in cash $5 Paid Mury in good living A coat in Radfordstore Paid W. Crosby in Goods $10 in cash $9-25 Paid crosby & W Lemons in cash - - - - - - - - - <19 25> Paid Perkins & Brice 50 86 Paid W Lemons goods $10 crosby Do $10 Merril $6 Clark $7-25 33 25 Paid W Lemons cash $10 crosby $9-25 cash Merril $6 25 25 to 100th Flour to Perkins $6 to 135th Flour & one & half Bsh Wheat to Brice $1110 <109 36> 17 10 By Standard Logs at 62 1/2 cts each $14688 cts to Logs at camp & 2 half 126 46 153 88 t 20 Paid David Park $7 cash & A Note of $16 Dollars in half Wheat & half Flour 23 00 to Due on settlement for Draw back for not pileng the Logs good 12 00 <1[-]9 46> credit took Do[-]on 161 46 153 88 Ballance Due on settlment 7 58 oay to Paid David Park on Saw Logs in cash $ to 101 ft at Big Cottonwood at 8 1/2 ----- new page (MSS537_p022.jpg) Andrew Williams 1858 Aug 25 By 5 1/2 Days work at $200 per Day Diggin Foundation 11 00 to Paid 183 1/2 lb Flour at 6 cts 11 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p023.jpg) Richard Murry 1858 ct10 to Paid in Radfords Store one coat $12 & one Plug Tobaco [-]0 cts 12 50<20> to one pair Boots $8 one Dollar in Solace at Camp & one plug from city 75 cts 9 75 to one flannel Shirt 350 cts one Slatt $5 to 7½ yds check at 40 cts $3 11 50 By 3 Days work in Kanyon first and 50 Days last up to this Date at $30 per 33 95 61 00 <58> 4 to Paid one Note of twenty Dollars in Flour at $6 per 100 lbs 20 00 , to Paid A Note of Seven Dollars & five cts in home Made cloth 7 05 Settled at this Date 61 00 [-] 22 to 75 lb Flour this be lent to Farlane 4 50 <'59> Aug 9 to 2½ yd cloth home made at $3 per yd 7 50 ----- new page (MSS537_p024.jpg) N Uriah Chapin oct 14 to one pair of Boots $8 one pair of Pants $5 one over Shirt $3 & 3½ yds 17 23 Stephen Markham to cloth on Parkersons acount for Damage on at Samuel Paterson let by one Stick of timber for flume 224 8 98 June 7 by 82 feet of lumber by nail 3 28 Jun 7 by 24 Days work 48 by 42 Peach trees 8 40 July [-]0) ½Day, 2 days at wheat from But[..] 7 00 by Cutlery Hay [-] Days with Alpheus at book[-] 4 00 by br from 96 36 to Dr from 122 24 [--] 11 to 2bushel of wheat Paid on ordr from Muray 4 00 to 407 lbs flour at 5 Cuts Mill acct up to date Dec. 31 20 35 Store Acct up to date ballance Due 4/80 [--] 1/67 6.47 to Error on flour Charged at 6 cents 153 06 3 00 179 00 1861 Feby 6 h to one Jacket <$>6. two Pair Drawer <$>2. two Pair [--]. 10 00 March 12 to 2 Pair Drawer 2 00 April 3 to b for 12 ¾ Days 26 50 to cer by lb t[-]n ½ buck Doo 1 00 Mill acct up to date 4 buck wheat 8 4 4 lbs bran 84 Boots from Charles a Duvis 4 75 By 200 Currency 178 65 2 00 204 50 178 65 April 3 ballance Due S Patusa 28 95 order to Mill 8 bushel Wheat 10 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p025.jpg) 1858 Samuel Patterson ec 10 By 17 67 ft of Lumber at 4 cts per fort 70 68 , By 99 ft at 4 cts 3 96 to one Pair of Blankets $ 18 to 5 yds Factory at at 35 cts & one lb Tea $ 2-50 22 25 <74 64> to cash $10 to Flannel Shirt 350 cts 13 50 to Markham for Damage on ox $19 & one Dollar to Dority 20 00 , By 48 ft at 4 cts 55 75 1 92 By 50 ft first called waste & then took Back 2 00 <76 56> to one Pair of Blankets 18 00 <78 56> <859>n 6 to one plug Tobaco 60 cts to one plug before I left the last time 60 cts 1 20 eb 18 to Tobaco 2 plugs at 50 cts per Plug & two lbs Coffee at 65 cts per lb 2 30 [--] to two Plugs Tobaco at 50 cts & half Plug 31 cts & one plug 50 1 20<77 25> 21 leaves Patterson Due at this Date 19 cts [written vertically, bottom to top: this acct Carried to '] 19<78 75> By Mistake in charging 2 lb Coffie at 65 cts per lb 50 1 30 to one plug Tobaco 50 cts - to one plug Tobaco 50 cts 79 25 79 80 ne 8 to 1 plug Tobaco 50 cts & 2 lb pork & 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts [-]15 to 2 Plug Tobaco at 10 cts 20 28 to 2 Plugs Tobaco at 10 cts to 2 Plugs si[-]ce at 10 cts 20 [--] to 3 yds of Cloth at 175 per yd & 3 Plugs Tobaco at 10 cts 5 55 26 to 8 plugs Tobaco at 12 ½ cts each 1 00 ec 31 to 9 Days work at Grist Mill at 150 per Day to be Paid in Flour [--] 13 50 <860>March 31 to 50 lbs Flour April 5 to 50 lbs Flour at 5 cts 5 00 93 36 pril 12th to 50 lbs Flour at 5 cts 2 50<104 70> March 30 By 1 Days Work at $ 2 Per Day March 31st By ½ Days Work at $2 Per Day 13 50<107 20> 3 10 pril 23 to 50 lbs Flour at 6 cts 3 <93 70> 96 36 May 2 to 50 lbs Flour May 7th to 50 lbs flour May 18th to 50 lbs flour 9 00 June 2 to 47 lbs flour June 13th to 25 lbs flour June 20th to 37 lbs flour at 6 cts 6 54 {[--] by Nine day Work [-]tr a bushel of Wheat Ready, <112 24> 13 50 {17 ½ rod, ditch 75 Cnts Cr on Hou arett 13 12[-] [written vertically on left margin: to Cr. Houcct] {2 rods at 75 Cents 8 rods at 25 Cents 3 50 Carried to ----- new page (MSS537_p026.jpg) Franklin Raymond <1858>Dec 10 By 511 ft Lumber at 4 Cts 20 44 <1859>Jan 6 to one Plug Tobaco at 60 cts & Two Red shirss one at 350 the othe at $4 8 10 to 2 lb coffie at 65 1 30 <1859>Feb 19 to 8 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts per plug & four lb coffee at 65 cts per lb 6 60 Feb 22 to 110 lb Flour at 6 cts & to Eli Ashcraft 100 lb at 6 cts 12 60 March 1 to 4 Plugs Tobaco at 50 cts each 2 00 11 to 2 Plugs Tobaco on 18th one plug all at 50 cts 1 50 21 to 6 Plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 3 00 Aprile1 to 200 lbs Flour at 6 cts to Eli 12 00 Aprile14 to 111 lbs Flour at 6 cts 6 66 June 4 to 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts 50 6 to 2 ½ yds of pants cloth & 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts 4 87 July 27 to 24 lb Flour 1 44 Aug 12 to 80 lb Flour at 6 cts 4 80 By Sawing 4866 ft at 33 ⅓ cts per 100 ft <65 37> 16 22 By 352 ft Lumber at 4 cts 14 08 <1859>Sep 9 By took from Mill work 50 74 " Paid Tobaco $242 ½ Note for Lumber $46 48 12 113 49<62 75> 113 49 ----- new page (MSS537_p027.jpg) Joshua Hawks [-] By 543 ft of Lumber at 4 cts per ft 21 72 ay 5 to 4 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 2 00 ly 20 to Paid your Father $5 csh cash 5 00 h 21 to 8 Plugs Tobaco at 10 cts cash 1 00 to Cash 12 Dollars 1 00 to 18 Plugs Tobaco 20<12 00> Settled at this Date Sep 21, 1859 21 80<1 80> ----- new page (MSS537_p028.jpg) < > James Robison By 84ft of Scantlon at 4 cts for ft 3 36 March<21> to paid by the han of John Murray 3 36 1860 to Cr B 666 feet of Lumber 4 Doll Per hundred 26.64 3 Bords out Mill 13 bushels and 19 lbs Wheat 30 00 26 64 [--] to 33 Bsh & 20 lbs R[--]t to Hervy J [--]y <30 00> ----- new page (MSS537_p029.jpg) 858 Samuel Thomson Dec 15th to 5 yds of home Made cloth at $2 per yd 10 00 <1859>[-]n 6 to one Pair of Blankets $18 to 2 Red Shirts at $350 each 25 00 [-]n to 4 lb Coffie & 4 lb sugar at 65 cts per lb & two plugs Tobaco at 60 6 40 8 to one Red shirt & one 3 50 Feb 22 to 2 plugs of Tobaco at 50 cts & March 1 2 plugs at 50 cts 2 00 to Paid your order W. Thomas 15 00 to two Patterns for Pants at $6 each 12 00 to one pair of Pants for son $6 <73 90>6 00 March 24 to 2 plugs of Tobaco at 50 cts & one at 75 cts <79 90>1 75 rile 21 to 2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 1 00 May 17 to 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts 50 une 5 to 2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 1 00 ec 31 By 6 ¼ Days at Grist Mill at 300 per Day 18 75 60 by 7 ¾ days at Do 23 25 [-]arch By 2300 ft of Loices at 20 cts also in the Log 150 for $6 98 00 to 2 lbs Rolls at 75 cts 1 50 130 00 March 26 to an order for 9 Bsh & 20 lb wheat at 150 per Bsh 85 65 26 to an order for 15 Bsh & 11 lb at $2 per Bsh 14 00 99 65 " the 15.00 dollars charge on the 6 t line from top 30 35 to be left at present until we get to understand it 130 00 as it has escapt Both of our Memory about how that was charged & if no light can be got A Gardner will Pay it A Gardner Samuel Thompson Acknoleges the above 15.00 dollars <1860> March 27 teing Pay for A Pair of Waggon Wheels A Gardner Settled at this Date ----- new page (MSS537_p030.jpg) A Gardner Acount of with com Saw Mill <1859>Jan 6 to Sam Green on Race 8 Days at $150 per Day Boarding 12 00 " to Neil on Race 8 Days at $150 per Day Boarding himself 12 00 " to Dick Murry on Race 4 Days Boarding himself at 6 00 _ " to John Murry on Saw Mill to fixing break Sunday & carpenter 7 00 to A Gardner 4 Days at $2 per Day 8 00 To Frank Raymond 10 Days work on Race at $150 per Day 15 00 March 22 to Washington Jones 3 Days work on Race at $150 per Day 4 50 " to Thartley 3 Days work on Race at $150 per Day 4 50 to Richards Murry 2 ½ Days work at $150 per Day 3 75 to Eli Ashcraft 5 Days on Mill Race at $150 per Day credit to J Raymond 7 50 to Frank Raymond 5 ½ Days work at $150 per Day 8 25 to Samuel Green 3 Days work on Race at $150 per Day 4 50 to Joseph Chappel 3 Days work on Race at $150 per Day 4 50 March 29 to John Moise 37 ½ lbs Flour at 6 cts he is paid this to John Moise 1 ½ Days work on Race at $150 per Day 2 25 To Freadrick Shans 1 ½ Days work on Race at $150 per Day 2 25 to Neil Gardner 3 Days work on Race at $150 per Day 4 50 A. Gardner 266 feet lumber & 4 cts 10 64 10 64<5 32> to A Gardner 4 days work on shoe gate & on break on race at $2 Per day 8 00 to N Gardner 4 days work on shoe gate & on break on race at $2 Per day 8 00 to W Jones 1 day on slue gat at $2 per[-] 2 00 to J L Butler 2 hands 1 days work each at $2 per day on race 4 00 4 00 to 10 Days work at $2 per day by Frank Raymend on Saw Mill 20 00 to 3 Days by Ely & 3 Days by myself at $150 per Day Breaking ice 9 00 to half A day Mending Race $1 Guming saw $2 Raymond 3 00 <1859>Sep 9 to 94 ¾ Days and 1 hours work of carpenters on Saw Mill 9 to Lumber used in Repairing saw Mill belonging to A Gardner <3427 ft at 4 cts> 137 08 Jacobs worked on saw Mill Repiring in June and Aug in, all 13 ½ Days at <$3 ½ per Day> 47 25 Fetter Shirts worked on saw Mill 14 ¾ Days at $3 per Day 44 25 David Wilson worked 14 ½ Days at $3 per Day 43 50 Packet worked in July & Aug 14 Days at $3 per Day 42 00 9 32 carried Continued on 470 58 [text written vertically, bottom to top] Nov 26 1859 all this Posted on Leger of exept work on Gate ----- new page (MSS537_p031.jpg) L John L Butler & A Gardners Saw Mill Company A Gardner JL Butler co John L Buttler to one Saw Mill sold half to A Gardner $1000 00 A Gardner to Saw Mill Irons & others wood work $500 00<1859> [-]an 6 By one Log took from where old Saw Mill Flood 244 ft at 4 cts 9 76 Red of the mill 130 feet lumber & 4 Bishops store 5 20 2 60 ----- new page (MSS537_p032.jpg) John L Buttler Acount with corn saw Mill. Jan 6 <1859> By one saw Mill 244ft at 4 cts this not look in 9 76 May to 5 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts June 7 to 2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 3 50 June 7 By 177 ½ lbs pork & 40 lbs brand June 18 By 40 lbs brand June 17 By 336 lbs Flour at 6 cts 20 16 June 11 By 266 lbs Flour at 6 cts 15 96 July 4 By 247 lbs Flour 14 82 28 By 241 lbs Flour & 53 lb Bran Loan & 42 lb Bran & 43 lb Bran 14 46 Aug 17 By 326 lb Flour 19 56 31 By 229 ½ lb Flour at 6 cts & 41 lb Bran Loan 13 77 Sep 15 By 42 lb Bran Loan By 127 lb Flour 7 62 20 By 43 lb Flour got your place by Magret my Wife & 59 lb Bran 2 58 29 By 355 lb Flour at 6 cts & 75 lb Bran Loan Loan 21 60 <30> Oct 15 By 14 Bsh & 18 lb of Wheat by weight at Springed Mills took By Nov By 54 lb Flour got by Margret & Gena 3 24 By Paid Packet in favour of A Gardner & charged to Packet on acount March 23 Fox 215 Note 365 on Bill of Divorse 375 being $955 but in wheat at $2 11 94 25 to Paid 200 lb Bran by Fred Hanse 145 41 April 6 to 24 lbs Flour at 6 cts 1 44 to 4 Boxes of Flour 650 lb in each in all 2600 lb at 6 cts 156 00 By 49 Bsh & 32 9 05 99 07 160 94 243 48 By 96 nails per A Jacobs 1 92 245 40 84 46 ----- new page (MSS537_p033.jpg) Blacksmith Acount on Grist Mill at Spanish Fork 859 [-]le 22 to the Pair of Hinges for grist Mill Paid in cash 3 00 [--] 9 A Gardeners a/c with corn saw mill continued from < > [-] 50 " John Murray worked on saw Mill 28 ½ Days 91 50 " John Murray Jun worked on saw Mill 6 ¼ Days at $2 12 50 " Orin Farlin to 3 ⅓ Days on saw Mill Paid by B Buttler 10 00 [-]p 9 L Reid to 42 Days at $4-50 per Day 189 00 " to 400 ft of Lumber belonging to A Gardner 16 00 [-]p 30 to work Done on Race By sundry Persons in sep 6¾ Days at $2.50 16 67 [-] 26 to 3 files at 125 cts Nails forty Cts 4 15 " to Packers Days Gunison 2 Days 14 00 " Bornison one Day Dedrickson and Moyse one Day all at <150 per Day> 4 50 " to 149 ft of Lumber took for Shoot of Saw Mill AG Lumb 5 96 x Murray worked on gate at State Road one Day 3 50 " Bornison one Day Dedrickson one day on Gate at 150 per Day 3 00 " Bornison & Dedrickson one Day on Gate each 1 50 " to Paid on Dam across Sleigh Slough at Gate 600 36 00 to Lumber for gate & carpenwork 20 23 to Paid Bowen Blacksmith Bill 4 90 Copy of a Settlement up to June 30 1860 Between John L. Buttler Heirs & A. Gardener A. Gardiner to J. L Buttler to ½ Saw mill $ 1000.00 10 Acres Sand 100.00 P[--]ing Lathe 150 00 Lumber 2 .60 by over Paying in Keeping up There <1252.60> 270.11 by one Jot Mill from 500.00 over drawn on his share of the Rope of Meety J.L 1115 23 <345 62> ----- new page (MSS537_p034.jpg) Henry Green Acount at Spanish Fork & Payson 1858 to 25 ½ U Rolls at Payson Plug Tobaco $1 Pint Whiskey <75 cts> 86lb c[-]d claming at 5 cts <$4> 31 25 to Boarding 4 weeks with Crawford at $3 per week 12.00 June 28 to 31 lb July 2 and to 42 lb July 17th to 24 lb July 22d to 22 lb July 27th to 700lb 49 14 July 30 to 46 lb Aug 4th 44 lb Aug 9th to 40 lb Aug 11th to 50lb Aug 14th to 50 lb 13 80 July 26 to Porter on Greens Account 117lb Flour at 6 cts 7 02 Aug 19 to 21 lb same time one Plug Tobaco 75 cts Aug 22d to 40 lb Aug 26th to 44 lb 7 05 Sep 3 to 43 lb Sep 13th to 41 lbs Sep 23 to 40 lb Sep 27th to 43 lb & one Plug Tobaco 75 cts 13 23 133 49 Zebide Cottron to 50 lb of flour got in 1858 at 6 cts 3 00 By 20 lbs Returned [-] 1 20 to 27 ½ lb out of Mill at 5 cts 1 37 ½ By 2 and A half Day of Self at 150 per Day 4 37 ½ 3 75 B 2 day of boy 2 -- 6 95 ----- new page (MSS537_p035.jpg) [left side of page cut off] John Murray Junior 20 to 39 lb Flour March 7th 87 lb Flour March 20 to 73 lb Flour 11 94 rch 5 to one plug Tobaco at 50 cts on the 14th one plug 50 March 20 one plug 75 1 75 21 to 6 Plugs Tobaco at 50 cts & one plug at 75 Cts 3 75 rch 25 to 45 lbs flour to Paterson your order 2 70 28 to one file at 25 cts 25 29 to 127 lbs Flour at 6 cts 7 62 ril 9 to 117 lbs Flour at 6 cts 7 2 il 17 to one plug tobaco at 50 cts aprile 22 to one plug Tobaco at 50 cts <50> 50 il 26 to 50 lbs Flour to 4 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 5 00 27 to 2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 1 00 2 to 63 lbs Flour at 6 cts May 9 to 1 plug Tobaco <50> 3 78 Saturday May the 14 45 89 65 18 to 78 lbs Flour 4 68 to Crediting S Recd {By work by the Job 11 50 18 00 to 1 file at 25 cts {Sep 30 to 11 Days at $2 per Day 25 22 00 31 to 88½ lbs Flour at 6 cts {By work Done before May 13 45[-] Day 5 31 ne 10 to 3½ cash for Curtice {at $150 per Day 3 <50> 50 68 62½ ne [-] to 3½ yds cloth at $1-75 cts {this is up to oct first 5 25 to 1 Plug Tobaco at 50 cts 50 ne 13 to 63½ lbs Flour at 6 cts June 19 to 89 lbs Flour at 6 cts 9 15 20 to 2 plug Tobaco at 50 cts July 4 to 43 lbs Flour at 6 cts 3 58 June 30 Cr - by 18¼ Days work at $2 per Day 36 50 to 2 lbs Coffie got from Markham at 60 50 lbs Frour July 11 4 20 145 12½ ly 11 to 6 yds of Line[-]y at $1-50 per yd 9 00 20 to one plug Tobaco at 30 cts cash 150 quarter 75 cts 2 55 22 to 74 lb Flour & one file 25 cts July 25 to 37½ lb Flour July 28 to 48 lb 9 82 8 to $5 order on Markham 5 00 13 to 54 lb Flour Aug 16 to 37 lb Flour at 6 cts 5 46 15 to [-] plugs Tobaco at 10 & on the 19th Sep 29 lb Flour got at B. Butler 1 94 1 to chizels Sep 29th to 3 plugs Tobaco at 10 cts <3 37½> 132 17 [vertical text on bottom right of page] carried to Page 51 ----- new page (MSS537_p036.jpg) [-] Thomas Robison Blacksmith Dr Cr March 25 to 174 lbs flour at 6 cts 10 44 Aprile 9 to 2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts and one at 75 cts 1 75 May 21 to 45 lbs Flour at 6 cts 2 70 20 to 5 ½ yds cloth Doube wide $3-50 Per yd <14 89> 19 25 20 to 74 lbs Flour at 6 cts June 28 to files $7-75 & one lb Borax $1 8 75 July 23 to 141 lb Flour your order per Stokes for 1 ⅓ yd of Cloth at 350 per 13 12 ½ Aug 20 to one hundred lb Flour at 6 cts per A Maxwell your order 6 00 27 to 85 lb Flour at 6 cts 5 10 Sep 21 to one Waggon at 60 Dollars cash 60 00 Oct 4 to 58 lb Flour at 3 48 Sep 17 to 4 Slabs at 25 cts each by Joseph Chappel 1 00 Jan 6 27 lbs meal - 1 Dol 1 00 March 2 to order on Curtis 53 Dollar 53 00 Feb to order on Mill for 200 lb Flour at 5 10 00 to order on do to 10 Bsh of Wheat at $175 17 50 March 23 By Blacksmithing for Saw Mill carried to Page 1 on Book A July 1 <1860> 150 00 March 23 By " " on Grist Mill 200 00 " By work on turning Lath 17 00 By shoeing one mile 3 00 to cash Paid by the hand of Fred Hance 5 00 370 00 to cast steel half the Bar as charged to Markham 218 09 April 12 to 33 Bsh & 20 lbs Wheat to Henry I Young Your Order <4 90> 50 00 17 to Paid $6 Worth of Wheat to The McKee Your Order 6 00 26 to 4 ½ Bsh Wheat May 6th to 2 Bsh Wheat May 18 to 4 Bsh Wheat <278 99> 15 75 June 2 to 1 Wagon at $40 & June 17th to 4 Bsh Wheat 48 00 342 74 July 4 - to goods from Store book 88 98 to one bush 33 lbs of Wheat balance due on settlement 23 2 ½ for borrowed Wheat from Mill acct to Date 434, 04 ½ ----- new page (MSS537_p037.jpg) Washington Jones [-]22 Boy Washington Jones 3 Days work on race at $150 per Day 4 50 [-]23 to 82 lbs flour at 6 cts 4 92 [-]e By 1 days work on slue gate at $2 per day & 1 day on fencs & 1 on [---] 6 00 [-]13 to 61 lbs Flour at 6 cts 3 66 10 50 8 58 William W Wilson <859> 10 to 1 ½ yd of Cloth Double at $350 per y to be paid in Work 5 25 [-]61 Thos Robertson Blacksmith Dr Cr Brougt from Page 31 434 04½ 370 00 br[-]-by Blacksmith Bile 135 40 [-]hue 3 Dr to ordr to E. Dimick $17 a 50 17 50 505 40 June 13 to one large file 2 00 to Iron 26 lb at 8 cts per lb 453 54½ 208 455 62½ <861> [-]13 By Blacksmithing up to Date 69 40 " to took from Lavendors Book from Feb 15 <1861> up to Oct 18th same year 25 75 574 80 " to 400 ft of Lumber at 4 Cts one Dollar took of being Weinyedge 15 00 By Fixing Iron on shingle Machine 25 496 37 25 ----- new page (MSS537_p038.jpg) Work done on Saw Mill in 1837 . D[-] C[-] German Buchannan 9 75 Thos C Martell 8 25 Hugh Adams 1 50 Edward Edwards 2 25 John Bona 6 25 Alexander Clark 1 " William Douglass 8 25 Thomas Waters 9 " John C White 2 25 William Rhodes 3 " August Svensen 12 75 David L Evans 5 25 Andrew Furguson 7 50 John Smith 4 " Duncan McIsaac 4 " Wm W Riley 6 " John Jones for wagon in Kanyon 1 50 Johnathan McKee ..... 3 " Samuel Bjarnson 9 90 William Hunter 3 " Joseph Tucket 6 " Jas G Higginson 4 50 Joseph Chappel 6 " E Holdsworth 6 " David Morgan 12 75 Henry Erickson 6 " George Lee 3 " Amt Carried over ----- new page (MSS537_p039.jpg) German Buchannan Rec on order 2 48 John C White To Lumber " 75 John Smith To Lumber 3 28 Joseph Tucket To Lumber 3 32 Carried to page 36 9 83 ----- new page (MSS537_p040.jpg) Continued Amount Brot over Jas Bonack Senr 1 50 William Roach 1 50 Chas Browne " 75 Stephen R Wells 10 " Wm H Manhard 4 " Richd Hodgson 6 " Jas O Nell 3 " Neils P Mason 1 50 John Williams 2 " Wm Stoker 1 50 Joseph Moffet 9 " Cyrus Snell Junr 4 " May 31<1859> Stephen Markham to one Note of 900 ft Due on B Buttler 36 00 " " ...By 713 ft Due also to be charged to B Buttler 28 52 By 126 ft Due Markham from Brockbunk charge it to Buttler 5 04 Sep 9th to 50 ft Paid Markham from Saw Mill 2 00 Nov 29 to 2051ft sawing to This Date & one Slab 25 Cts 27 59 " to 1633ft of Lumber at 4 Cts up to this Date 65 32 carried in to Ledger A 94 91 ----- new page (MSS537_p041.jpg) Continued From page 34 9 83 S Thompson to 114 ft at 4 cts 4 56 Bishop Buttler to 361 ft at 4 cts 14 44 Stephen R Wells 6 08 Snell to Lumber 81 ft at 4 cts 3 24 Lois Barney to 261 ft Lumber at 4 cts 10 44 " " fer John Barney's order sawing 12 00 A Gardner Dr to Sawing 4866 ft " " to 51 ft at 4 cts 2 04 William Stoker To Lumber 5 64 Joseph Moffet 2 36 K J Butler To Lumber 23 42 John Cutler " " 2 16 Chas Packet " " 2 72 Jas L Thompson " " 6 92 Chas Hales " " " 50 John Barney " " 9 98 John Banks " " 4 92 Henry Garfield" " 3 12 Thos McKee " " 1 84 Geo W Wilkins" " 3 28 Wm R Jones " " 1 56 Wm F Butler " " 5 52 Wm Warner " " 1 " John J Davis 2 92 Amt Carried over to page 38) 130 49 ----- new page (MSS537_p042.jpg) Continued ----- new page (MSS537_p043.jpg) Continued Amount Brot over from page 36 130 49 Peter White to Lumber 6 84 William Lewis " " 1 50 Isaac Brockbank Saw " " 5 60 Henry Green " " 2 54 Wm Banks Junr " " 8 " Lewis Barney " " 22 20 Jas Robertson " " 8 16 John Murray " " 5 48 Saml Patterson " " 22 74 Jas Keeler " " 3 " Michael Christensen" " 4 16 Henry Luke " " 2 16 Joseph Howell " " 2 56 A K Thinber " " 15 44 Ho Hamilton " " 1 04 Wm Robertson " " 6 28 Mary Redd " " 1 60 Jas Hansen " " 1 75 Saml Thompson " " 42 36 O M Allen " " 5 12 Allen Adamson " " 2 " John L Butler " " 5 20 Archd Gardner this subtracted below & carried 10 64 Axel Tullgrain " to " page 1 on Ledger A " 56 Svend Larson 1 60 Dennis Doricty " 75 Amt taken to page 2 L.A. 319 77 the above charge to A. Gardner charge in Ledger A 10 64 309 .13 ----- new page (MSS537_p044.jpg) 39 Hivean Jacobs June 1 to 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts 50 7 to 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts 50 12 to 4 yds cloth at $1-75 per yd & 1 plug Tobaco 7 50 13 By 8 days work at $2 per day & 1 day on a race at $2 per day 18 00 Sep 21 To 7yds Hickory at 28 cts per yd from curtis 1 75 Oct 16 to 1½ yd of cloth Double width at $350 per yd 5 25 " to good at Curtis 15 50 March 1 25 22 16 75 to Cr to Norton Jacobs 1 25 ----- new page (MSS537_p045.jpg) Henry Dority ne 4 To 1 plug Tobaco at 50 cts 50 4 to 3 yds cloth at $1-75 cts 5 25 0 to 2 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts 1 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p046.jpg) Eli Ashcraft June 17 to 66½ lbs Flour at 6 cts 3 99 Cr by laborer at turning Sathe 3½ Days at $2 per D[--] 7 0 700 July 18 to 30 lb Flour at 6 cts 1 80 Aug 4 to 30 lb Flour 1 80 10 to 38 lb Flour at 6 cts per lb to 3½ yd of Narrow Cloth at $175 per yd 8 40½ " By 7 Days on Grist Mill at $2 per Day 16 00 14 00 Sep 22 to Goods at curtis 5 00 21 00 21 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p047.jpg) Alon Adamson [--]ne 18 to 4 plugs Tobaco at 50 cts &10 yds cloth at $1-75 cts per yd 17 50 July 5 Cr- by 8¾ Day, Werd Carried to Pugs 48 ----- new page (MSS537_p048.jpg) " Peter Shirts June 19 to 60 lbs Flour at 6 cts June 28 to one lb coffie 60 cts & quarter Tea 75 4 95 29 to 8½ yds cloth at $1-75 cts per yd to Joley your order 14 87 July 1 to 51 lbs Flour June 30 Peter Hurts Cr by 14 Days Work 42 00 July 20 to Paid Markham cash for goods got by you 2 50 26 to 40 lb Flour Aug 3d to 53 lb Flour 5 58 Aug 12 to to 1½ yds Broad cloth at $3 per yd 4 50 17 to 50 lb Flour at 6 cts 3 00 Sep 9 By Soap Paid to John Murray & charged to him 5 40 " By Soap Paid to Jacobs 6 25 " By Soap Paid to Reid & Mellons 16 50 " By Soap Paid Packet 1 00 " By Soap Paid to Margret Gardner 1 00 " By 2¾ Days work at $3 per Day 8 25 " to Goods at Markham 2 16 80 40 Oct 13 to 3 yds of Double fold cloth at $350 per yd 10 50 Nov 1 to order for ten Bsh of Wheat at Cottonwood at $2 per Bsh 20 00 " By half A Gallon of P Molasses 68 06 1 50 to 44 ft of Lumber at 4 cts per foot 1 76 81 90 69 82 ----- new page (MSS537_p049.jpg) [left side of page cut off] David Wilson Brought from Page 10 580 73 588 76 e 10 to 2 plug Tobaco at 50 cts June the 25 to 5 yds cloth at $1-75 per yd 9 75 8 to 4 lb coffie at 60 cts per lb 2 40 June 30 Cr by 14½ Days work at $2-50 per Day 36 25 [-] to 247 lb Flour at 6 cts 14 82 6 By 13¾ Days at $3 per Day 41 25 99 took from Markhams Bork 2 88 77 50 " to Gave is Note for 13 Bsh of Wheat at $2 per Bsh order in Markham <$21.65>29 85 59 21 65 26 00 59 John Murray Sen brought from Page 10 77 50 <580 73 588 76> 9 to Soap got from Petter shirts Paid by A Gardner 5 40 [-]31 By 35¾ Days at $3-50 per Day 12512 .. By Lumber out of Logs 7414ft at $1331/3 for 100ft 98 85 to 31 lb Flour & one Dollars in Tobaco 2 86 21 to cash Paid to Curtis 33 24 " to chizels <$3-37> me Augre Bitt 50 cts Pays Book 50 3 87 4 37 " to 42 lb Flour at B Butter 2 52 23 to order on curtis or Markham 5 00 th to 48 lb Flour at 6 cts & 10 Plugs Tobaco at 10 Cts 3 88 15 to 6 yds & 3 quarters Narrow cloth at $1-75 per yd 11 82 15 to Beep & tallow got at Rileys & Drappers 3 90 30 By 24½ Days work at $350 per Day 85 75 .. to 10 Bsh & 45 lb of Wheat 21 50 By work Done by the Boys 4 25 t 18 to 25½ lb Beef at 8 cts got from Markham & 6 lb of Rolls at <20 lb> 75 cts 7 54 373 44 to 8 Plugs of Tobaco at 10 cts to order of $6 Dollars to Mrs Patterson 6 80 ov 23 to Paid your order of 8 dollars & 75 cts to Davis Post Master 8 75 902 73 " to half of Grist took to Springvile Mills by Richard his son " to Shoe makers suls 105 two Bols Candlewick 20 cts 2 files 60 cts Wagon <$3> cover 4 85 " to Plugs of Tobaco at 12½ cts he plug 62½ 29 to Saving Lumber Sawing & Hals from Page 9 of Rects Book 17 88 Carried to page 60 721-66 721-66 140 93 361 66 ----- new page (MSS537_p050.jpg) 45 Bradley Wilson 1859 June 25 to 3 yd cloth at $1-75 cts per yd July 5 to 203 lbs Flour at 6 cts 17 43 June 30 Cr by 7½ Days work at $2 50 per Day 18 75 Aug 16 By 2½ Days at $3 per Day 7 50 Sep 9 to four Bsh & twenty five lb Wheat to be paid when the 26 25 Mill Starts at $2 per Bsh this Paid by Note 8 83 Jany 10th 1860 Po Notes B. J. Murray 26 26 ----- new page (MSS537_p051.jpg) Davis Post Morter Post master ly 20 to 4 yds of Double Fold cloth at 350 per yd 14 00 23 By order from Luther Reid 8 55 60 By order from John Murray Sen 8 75 rch 25 to Paid 66 lb Flour at 5 cts per lb 3 30 17 30 17 30 ----- new page (MSS537_p052.jpg) Charles Pocket July 22 to 75 lb Flour to one pile 25 cts July 26 to 64 lb Flour by W Barney 8 59 Aug 4 to 27 lb Flour by W Barney 1 62 8 to 102 lb Flour at 6 cts Aug 17 to 56 lb Flour at 6 cts 9 48 23 to 45 lb Flour Sep 26 to 53 lb Flour all at 6 cts 5 88 Sep 9 to Soap got from Petter shirts & paid by A Guo[-] 1 00 Aug 31 By 36¼ Days at $350 pr Day 126 87½ Sep 9 to three Dollars & fifty cents by order on Markham 3 50 10 to an order on Markham per John woodard 10 50 15 to 38 lb Flour at 6 cts per lb 2 28 16 to 85 lb Flour 6 cts per lb 5 10 21 to chizils 1 25 Oct 15 to hand Saw $4 to order on curtis for Glass $2-40 6 40 " to 1½ yd of Double width home made cloth 5 25 " to ten Bsh & forty eight Pound of Wheat after it is Smotterd Borrowed 21 60 Sep 30 By 22½ Days at $350 per Day 78 75 Oct 18 to order on Store $2 & 6 lb of Rolls at 75 cts per lb 6 50 Nov 26 to pour lb of Rolls at 75 cts per lb & me hand saw pile 30 cts 3 30 By order from Starkley & credit to Packet of $28-00 28 00 Dec 2 to 3 [-]ime grans at 150 each 3 lb coffie at 45 cts per lb Pencil 25 cts per Wife 100 in goods 7 00 20 to Paid or Settled with Curtis for Goods 36 95 carried to Next Page 136 30 233 62½ Joseph Slarop Aug 3 to 27lb Flour Aug 6 to 48 lb Flour 4 50 17 to 25lb Flour at 6 cts 1 50 " By work Done on Mill to amount 6 00 6 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p053.jpg) [left side of page] A Adamson 28 to 44 lb Flour 2 64 to 48 ft & 64 ft of Lumber at 4 cts 4 48 29 to sawing A Maple Log this camed to Mill Credit 50 " to Paid in Tobaco $225 & 64 ft Lumber at 4 cts per foot 4 81 to 10 yds of home made Cloth at $175 per yd 17 50 30 By 11½ Day turning Gudgeons & c at $3 per Day 25 45 34 50 30 Dec 28 to Paid 151 lb of Flour at 6 cts 9 05 34 50 Charles Packet 9 By credit from Page 47 233 62½ c20 to Charge on Page 47 136 30 t 31 By 21¼ Days at 350 per Day By 23 Days in Nov at 350 per Day 154 87 ec 28 By 6¾ Days at $3 per Day 20 25 " to Settled Bill of Goods at Markhams 86 10 408 74 ec 31 to Setled with John Berg in Wheat at $150 per Bsh 25 17½ c 31 to Mill acount up to Date-in Wheat at $2 - flour at 6 cr 17 60 " By cedit by order from Lars Gorginson 2½ Bsh Wheat at <$2 per Bsh> 265 17½ 5 00 " to Paying out Wheat at 150 per Bsh and Oath of $2 19 14 413 74 " 1860 284 31 m 12 to Wheat & flour out of Grist Mill at sundion up to Dott - - 30 44 28 to acepted your order to Dedrickson & Beaurnism 10 Bsh 20 00 " to self 2 Bsh Wheat Accepted on order from Reel. Payable to L Recd $5 or <2½ Bsh Wheat> 9 00 March 20 to [-] cros in good in settlement with Rock hill 370 75 2 98 22 to goods from Curtis 373 73 12 25 Cr by Error 77 414 51 to flour from Mill when murray was in Kanyon 63 lbs 3 15 to order to Patent Slott 2½ Bsh Wheat $5 to order to Curtis for 1 Bsh & 40lb 8 33 to an order for Ballonce of 8 Bsh $32 lb 17 05 414 51 ----- new page (MSS537_p054.jpg) 1859 Bebe Labins & Co Aug 20 to 160lb Flour at 6 cts 9 60 27 to 157 lb Flour at 6 cts 9 42 to What Borrowed from Bishop Buttler & Paid to Beeby Jan 27 <1860>to 5 Bsh of Wheat out of Mill 10 00 to 15½ Bsh of Wheat got at Bishop Buttler 31 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p055.jpg) [left side of page cut off] 59 Lars Gorgenson y 21 By 39 Days work to be paid in Wheat at one Bsh per Day 78 00 to Paid Charles Packet two & half Bsh your order 5 00 29 to 94 lb Flour at 6 cts 5 64 to 1½ yds of Double width home made cloth at $175 per yd 5 25 [-]o By 8 Day Work at one Bsh Wheat per Day he Boarding himself 16 00 Carried over to Page 58 15 89 94 00 Cp James G Higginson or Hickinson 21 By 15 Days work at one Bsh Wheat per Day 30 00 " By 8 Days at one Bsh & Peck per Day 20 00 to one Shovels at Markhams charged $3 or 2 Bsh Wheat 4 00 29 to one Plug Tobaco at 10 cts Nov 29 to 52 ft Lumber at 4 cts 2 18 c 28 to Paid your order to John Murray Jun 1 45 Oct 3¼ Days at 1 bushel per Day carried to Page 61 6 50 John Mc Hinley 7 63 56 50 ch 21 By 11½ Day work at one & A Peck per Day 29 00 ril 16 to 14½ Bsh Wheat at $2 Per Bsh 29 00 Thomas Stewart ct 10 to 3 Plugs Tobaco at 10 cts ----- new page (MSS537_p056.jpg) John Murray Jun Oct 1 Brought from Page 30 By work Done 145 12½ 13 to Sunderies took from Page 30 132 17 15 to Beef got at Riley & Dropper 1 65 " to 3 Bsh of Wheat after it is Smutted Borrowed from Follet &40 ft of Lumber 7 60 Nov 26 to two files at 30 etc each & 9½ lbs of Beef at 7½ cts per lb 72 cts 1 32 Dec 1 to order an curtis for Luke $2-25 Boots got from Farlane I Paid <$5-00> Curtis 7 25 " to over Shirt at Curtis $3-50 half Pound Tea on Dec 2d per Wife 125 4 75 2 to 4 Plugs Tobaco at 12½ cts per plug 50 Oct 31 By 18½ Days at 200 per Day Nov 30 By 21¾ Days at $2 per Day 155 24 80 50 Dec 28 By order from James Hickinsin 1 45 Dec 31 By 15 Days at 200 per Day 30 00 Jan 27 B 9 Day 1 V 8 hours at 2 Dole Pr Day - 257 07 Dec 1 19 60 Due bill Given to J. Murray Jur. or bearer 25 bushel Whet 50 Mile out up to date 25-54 25 54 Markham out to date 24-53, Curtis 17-7 41 60 2 Plain bills 2-50 to 2 hand saw files 60 3 60 Feb 9 "2 bushel Wheat A 2 Dolr Per Bushel — 4 ( By B[-]kett on Bare ) 4 00 75 March 8 to 50lb Flour March 17 to 50 lb Flour 5 00 277 42 By Cr. from CD. Farlane 284 98 1 00 oct 16 Henry Parker " By 17 Days on Grist Mill at $2-50 per day 42 50 " to goods at Curtis Store $322 Blankes $12 & 25 Cts Washing 15 47 " to order Due Bill for twelve Bsh of Wheat at $2 per 24 00 " to 36 lb Wheat to Ac Shoemaker & 15lb from Murray at $2 per 1 70 " to Paid Ballance 1 33 42 50 ----- new page (MSS537_p057.jpg) [-]59 Boin Blacksmith [-]16 to 3yd of Narrow cloth at $1-75 per yd 5 25 [-]arch 23 by Cr for Sundries Jobs Blacksmithing for Grist Mill 61 52½ 23 by acct for Blacksmithing for Saw Mill 4 90 by acct for Blacksmithing for Luther Reed 8 00 March 25 By order on Mill for 7 Bsh of Wheat at 150 per Bsh after this if 10 50 74 42½ [--]ril 14 to 3 Bsh Wheat at $1,50 Per Bsh to Malkham your order 4 50 [---]y 14 to 5 Bsh Wheat June 2th to 2½ Bsh Wheat 15 00 [-]ugust 21 to four Days use of turning Sath 35 25 ----- new page (MSS537_p058.jpg) Thomas Stewart Dr Cr <1859> Sep 30 By 8 Days work at $3 Dollars per Day 24 00 Oct 15 to order on Markhams Store & wheat got out of Follets Borrowed 10 50 Nov 1 to 4 Plugs Tobaco at 10 cts 40 Dec 1 to Goods at Curtis 31 34 [---] [--] Oct 31 By 19¾ Days at 350 per Day Nov By 15¾ Days at 350 per day 124 25 Dec 31 to Beef at John Berys to be paid in Wheat at $150 per Bsh 2 73 148 25 to 18 lbs of flour 90 120 57 Feb 28 to 2 Bsh Wheat 4 00 27 08 Sep to 3 Plugs of Tobaco at 10 cts each took from Page 50 of this Book 30 Marh 22 to ordr on Curtis $4-21Cts 50 17 March 30 to 3 bush & 18 lbs weat By Curtis <6 27> 4 21 April 30 to 49 lbs brand at 1½ cents Per pound June 12th to 25 lbs bran <60 65> 73 May 1 to 2 Bsh Wheat June 2th to 2 Bsh Wheat June 13th to 1 Bsh Wheat <37> 7 50 June 26 to 2 Bsh Wheat 69 25 July 23 to 2 bushels of Wheat 4 60 Augst 8 to 2 bushels &c 4 00 17 2½ of Wheat - 5 00 75 lbs of Bran 150 &c &c 4 50 Septr 5 2 bushels of Wheat 5 00 Brass Kitter– 5 00 Merchandise 11 83 28 Sept 2 bushels of Wheat 4 00 13 Oct 2½ bushels of Wheat 5 00 3 Nov 4 &c &c 8 120 57½ 8 Octr 4 Day Work 3 Dollars per day Wheat a 150/00 12 00 to ordr on Mile for ballance 21 soles Erors on Laborer ----- new page (MSS537_p059.jpg) Demick <5> [-]9 By 33 ft of Lumber at 3 cts per foot cash or Store Pay 11 79 16 to Paid in in cash Borrowed from Markham 6 00 to let him have Perkins old Dry out 5 79 11 79 W A Fowlet By 35 Bsh & 24 lb of Wheat stored in the Mill 16 to be paid in good Smutted wheat after the Mill starts " this Borrowed B Packet Murray & Jacobs to be charged to " this I gave my Due Bill for all charged to the men that got it ----- new page (MSS537_p060.jpg) < > 1859 Erick Gunison Dr Cr Oct 31 to an order on curtis of Six Dollars 6 Nov 26 to 45 lb of Beef at at 7½ cts per lb 3 37½ " to cloth for A Pair of Pants $5-25 to order on curtis $2 cash 50cts 7 75 " to one Augre Bitt 50 cts 50 29 to 6 Slabs 125 cts 1 25 Dec 2 to 4 Plugs Tobaco at 12½ cts per plug 50 Oct 31 By 12 Days Work Done at 350 per Day 42 00 Nov 30 By 26¼ Days at 350 per Day 91 87½ Dec 31 By 26½ Days at 300 per Day 79 50 " to Goods at curtis to Goods 8 20 <1860> Jan 28 By 8 Day and 3 hour at 3 Dollr Per Day 24 90 to order on Curtis 3 25 238 27½ 28 to Mill acct up to date 17 50 112 43 to goods at Curtis 7 — 125 84 to goods at Markhams 1 50 Grindstone 4 50 amout added up 61 32 Beef at Curtis $22 and 3 lbs J. Berry 90 Cts 22 93 2 plugg Tobbaco 125 Per plugg 25 Goods from Curtis not on acct $15 30 15 30 Beef from Curtis $12-63 Cents 12 63 30 settled Jan 28 carried- 112 43 to Ordr Given to bearer 4 bushel Wheat 8 00 Feb 2 to 1½ bushels Wheat 3 Dole 9-to 2 &c &c 28th to 1 &c &c 9 00 March 5 to 2 Bsh Wheat March 19th to 2 Bsh Wheat order to shirts for 2 Bsh & Peck Wheat 12 50 to over Paid your Portion of store Pay $13-38 cts which makes <29 50> 4 45 20 to Skelet <33 95> 4 20 Bruce bits 3 bushels Wheat 2 Hand Saw files 6 60 22 Goods at Curtis 10 Dollar Pd in wheat at 1 Doll 50 Cts 13 33 58-08 58 08 ----- new page (MSS537_p061.jpg) 9 O D Farlane Dr Cr 26 to one saw pile 30 cts 30 28 to Paid your order to James Willkins in Wheat at $2 per Bsh 18 00 31 By 11¾ Days at 300 per Day Nov <30th> 28½ Days at 300 per Day & Board 120 75 31 By 30¾ Days at 250 per Day 76 87½ " to Beef at John Berys to be paid in Wheat at $150 per Bsh 83 Jan 24 to six plugs tobacco at 12½ per plug 75 26 to order on Curtis $25- &c on J. Markham $7.20 32 20 to order Placed to Cr. Bishop Buttler 20 bushels Wheat 40 00 By 14⅓ Days work 35 83 to 75 lbs flour $3 - 75 29 lbs &c $1-45 5 20 233 45 [--]8 to 30 lb Flour & 8 lb 1 90 to order to John Murray 99 18 <1 00> [---] By 88 feet Lumber 3 52 [-]2 to goods got at Markham 19 70 236 97 to goods at Curtis 6 00 to ordr given to Wm Warner 169 lbs flour Bishop Buttler 30 lbs at 5 cts 9 95 to ordr 20 lbs flour McKee 1 00 rch 23 to 46 lb Flour at 5 cts your own order to Kimbal Hurdy 2 30 to bourding 2 weeks 600 139 13 to order to Wm Warren for 49 Bushels wheat 6 00 arch Erick Gunnison 12⅕ at 150cts and rest 200 145 13 2 By amount brought over Cr <41 60> 236 75 125 84 to acct brought over 58 08 to ordr by Gunnison to Jacob C Cod 4½ bushell Wheat 9 to ordr Samuel Beorneson 1 bushel Wheat 2 to Due bill Given to J. Williams or beans 7½ bushels Wht 15 by Cr by father 1 Day work on race 1 Doll 50 cts in flour 1 50 to 1 bushels Wheat 2 Dole 300 lbs flour 17 127 34 to order to Curtis 26 26 127 34 ----- new page (MSS537_p062.jpg) 1859 Harkley Dr Cr By lineing inside of Mill with Adobies 15½ Days at 300 per Day 46 50 Nov 26 to Paid your order to Packet of 28 dollars 28 00 28 to order of 8 Bsh of Wheat to be paid to W Jones 16 00 " to order on Curtis 1 00 By Halling Adobies clay & sand &c Dec 31 to Beef at John Berys to be paid in Wheat at $150 cts per Bsh 8 75 " By 13 Days Work at 150 per Day 53 75 19 50 " to Halling 56 40 Adobies at $3 per 1000 16 75 " to Halling Sand 4 00 1860 Jan 28 to Mill acct up to Date 23 96 86 75 to Tabacco on Mile 7 75 Markham acct 16 94 50 Tobaco 48 94 19 Nov 16 Br. Hartey Dr to ordr for four bushels of Wheat 8 00 Dec 16 Dr to your ordr to John Allen 2½ bushels whet 5 00 20 to ordr to mile 3 bushels wheat 6 00 1861 Jun 7 Br Charles Hartley 22¼ Days, Work 77 87½ Per Son Hiram 4 Day, work 4 Per Self and team at Dans $3 3 00 Cattle hauling wheat 1 00 Hauling Sand $8.00 And Adobees $17.55 25 55 Store acctt 26 40 111 42½ Bran 222 lbs 3 33 Lumber 100 feet 3 00 Brock banks ordr 9 18 00 X 4 bushel Wheat 8 00 flour 354 lbs 21 24 Carried to Page 67 96 97 ----- new page (MSS537_p063.jpg) Dr Cr 59 Joseph J James Wilkins 28 By order from O. D Farlane of $18 in Wheat at $2 per Bsh 18 00 28 to 3 Bsh of Wheat at $2 6 00 to order on Grist Mill for sx Bsh wheat at 2 dollars 12 00 18 00 Lars Gergenson [-]0 brought from Page 50 94 [-] to account received from Do 15 89 to 4 pluggs Tobbaco at 10 cts 40 to Mill acct up to date 200 lbs flour 10 00 [-] 3½ Days on race to be pd in flour at $5 per hundred at 1-50 Per dy 5 25 5 25 31 54 99 25 ar 4 227 Adobies 1. 70 200 40 [-] to due bill to Lars Jergenson or beans 7 bushel 30 lbs wheat 15 00 100 95 [-]2 to Bsh Wheat Feb 15th to 2 Bsh wheat Feb 28 one Bsh wheat 10 00 ril 3 to 5 Bsh Wheat to Knuson your order at $2 per Bsh <56 54> 10 00 to Paid at Cottonwood your verbal order 3 Bsh Wheat at 2 per 6 00 il 6 to Paid your order to N Kenuson 1½ Bsh Wheat 3 00 75 54 to Paid Kenuson at Cottonwood 13 bushels Wheat 26 00 <61> [-] 29 to Paid N Capsum at Cottonwood your order 14 Bsh Wheat 28 00 121 04 ----- new page (MSS537_p064.jpg) Elias Lewis 1859 Oct 24 By work Done tending Adobe Layer & c 10 Days at 200 per 20 00 Dec 2 to settled A Debt he owed Curtis $11-00 in wheat at 150 14 75 2½ Day work not reported 5 00 Jan 1st 5½ Days on race ½ day turning Lathe Cutting ice 2 Day 12 00 33 Days is Packing Bran Carrying Wheat 37 00 Feb 9 Dr to 2 bushels Wheat. Paid by fred teaming $2 – 50 6 50 March 6 to one order of 50 lb Flour to one Do 50 lb in Feb <21 25> 5 00 5 25 one Day at saw mill & two & half on Race 26 25 42 25 Aug 23 to goods per Wife Settled at Date 16 00 Joseph Atkins Continued on Page 70 42 25 oct 15 By 5½ Days at one Bsh of Wheat per Day 11 00 March 11 to 2 bushel by A. Hawaks. Due bill 3½ Do settled 11 00 Jan 22 to one order of 100 lbs flour at 5 cts per pound 5 00 <1862> January By 2½ Days work on head race ½ Day on shingle mill & 2 Days on tail race 7 00 January By 1½ Days work on shingle mill at $1,50 cts per Day 2 75 9 75 Richard Money Oct 20 By 2¾ Days at turning at $3 per Day 9 00 Per Markham ordr 6 Dol Wheat 2½ bushel Wheat 11 00 Lewis Barney By took from Page 14 credit 269 62 to took from Page 14 Dr 217 24 <1860> Jan 11 to order Paid to John Berry one Bsh & 48 lb Wheat 3 60 to Flour 30 lb Do 35 lb to order to Markham Seventeen Dollar & 50 Cts 21 40 27 to 2 Bsh of Wheat Feb 18th to 2 Bsh Wheat to John Barney 8 00 to Differance in Paying John Berry order at wheat at one 150 per Bsh 1 20 April 10 to 1 Bsh of Wheat at $2 per Bsh 251 44 2 00 253 44 ----- new page (MSS537_p065.jpg) 59 John Murray Sen 28 to Brought from Page 44 72566 90273 2 to Plugs Tobaco at 12½ cts 75 t 31 By 23 Days at $350 per Day Nov 30t By 26¼ Days at $350 per Day 17237 t 17 By Work Done By Richard Murray 3½ at one Bsh Wheat per Day 7 00 18 By Work Done by John Moyes, 1 Day or one Bsh Wheat 2 00 c31 By 23¼ Days at $3 per Day 69 75 " to Beef got at John Berry to be Paid in Wheat at 150 per Bsh 20 37 any 5 Pluggs Tobbaco & Do Do. 1 62½ by 26 Days at 9 hours Per Days 81 90 by Richard 4½ Days first Cleury 6½ Day in Jan feb 10th 1¾ Day 19 12 Jery 4 Days at 1 Doll Per day 4 5 Days in Mile 7½ 11 50 Marc 1 by 7 Day labour at Mill & race one day of mules 1 Doll 22 — Feb. 28-to 2 plugs, ; Tobaco 25 By Cr from John Moyer for ½ hull floor 18 16 B 3½ Day <3>, Sep 1½ Day Jery at 1 12 00 2 to 3 bushels Wheat for brace & bits 6 00 1316 37 21 to pd - Br Draper 75 Cts 75 22 to Cr Br Reed 15 00 Markhams acct against Richard 17-35} againnst Self 85-81 } 103 16 Curtis acct 318 48 to allowance for Paying Wheat at D1 1/50 in Place or 2D 81 00 [-]arch 23. Mill acctt to Date $51 – 34 51 34 27 for Clerking & /axing Wotter woks Gates up to Date 1320 38 25 00 Flour [--]eworded of Morley 500 1347 37 [-]pril 6th to 23 lbs flour April 7th to 58 lbs flour at 6 cts 4 36 14 to 50 lbs Flour April 24 to 50 lbs Flour at 6cts 6 00 <1336 24> 16 to Paid your Note to Drapper of 5½ Bh Wheat for Goods 8 25 ,,, to Bolster at Beebys at Pays on 3 00 ,, to order to Lavender for 20 Bsh Wheat for Richard Murray 40 00 to Page 1387 49 ----- new page (MSS537_p066.jpg) 61 1859 Samuel Pattersen A M Hamilton April By 4½ days at 250 per day at Spanish Fork Grist Mill 11 25 Dec 31 to Paid order on curtis Store 4 00 Ballance to be Paid in Whest at $2 per Bsh Rd 14 ster [---] 7 25 11 25 James Higgenson 1860 from Duse 50 Cr – 56 50 Jan Dr to 7 63 30 by 5 Day work in rate at 1D 50 cnts Per day 7 50 Goods at Curtis 3 25 64 00 21 accepted your ordr per bolerer Presented by Wm Wilson 3 bushel wht <3 budels [---]> 6 00 to 5 Bsh of Wheat per self at 2 dollar 16 88 to 100 ft of Lumber at 4 Cts 10 00 4 00 23 to Save & order on the Mill for 16 Bsh & 33 ble of Wheat at 2 doller 30 88 33 12 64 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p067.jpg) 59 Luther Reid By took from Page 6 11 50 to took from Page 6 291 44 31 By Millright work done up to this Date 765 00 " to one Waggon 80 00 " By Due on old a/c at Cottenwood 161 lb Flour at 6 cts 9 66 " to Beef at John Berrys to be paid in Wheat at 150 per Bsh 28 86 786 16 an 3 to one Bsh of Med & 130 lb Flour Jan 6 to 3 Bsh Wheat Feb 8 1 Bsh Wheat <(& Jan 28th 5 Bsh Wheat) 26 50 eb 29 to 5 Bsh Wheat (your order to Petter Shirts 2½ Bsh Wheat 15 00 <441 80> March to goods at Curtis . . ) . . . . . . . 3 00 to A Lot of Land traded with Lailor Buttler 100 00 March 21 to Petter Shirts 2½ Bsh Wheat 5 00 <549 80> March 22 By fifteen Dollars Charged to John Murray Sen your credit 15 00 " By five Dollars from Pocket Charged to him & credit to you 5 00 " By turning tools $10 By 51 ft of Lumber at 6 cts being $2 & 4 cts 12 04 " By Ballance Due on old Acount at Repairing Jordon Mills 60 00 <878 20> " By Cr from Br Jacobs for waggon trade as took from Page 8 30 00 " By Lath from Hirling 2000 at $10 per 1000 20 00 <928 20> March 25 to Paid James Willkins your verbal order 8 Bsh & 53 lb Wheat 17 75 " to 5 tin Pans at 1 dollar & 10 cts each <567 55> 5 50 26 to Paid George Wilkins for you 22 Bsh Wheat at $2 per 44 00 28 to 14 lbs Fish at 3½ cts <617 05> 49 29 to 155 lbs brand at 1½ cts per pound 1 77 April 3 to 5 Bsh Wheat at $2 per Bsh 7 50 4 to 1 Bsh Wheat & 15 lbs to Hurber your order 2 50 6 to 33 lbs Flour at 5 cts April 9 to 2 Bsh Wheat at $2 per Bsh 5 65 17 to ½ Bsh Wheat April 21th to 2½ Bsh Wheat at $2 per Bsh 6 00 21 to 2 Bsh Wheat to Wells your order at $2 per Bsh 4 00 26 to ½ Bsh Wheat April 24 to 2 Bsh & 12 lbs Whed to Brock 5 47 ay 12 to order on Livingston store Guny on the 24th of Dec 1859 to self at Jordon Mills 25 00 May 18 to 3 Bsh Wheat & 10 lbs June 9th to 1½ Bsh Wheat & June 19th to 4 Bsh Wheat 8 00 683 43 [vertical text in right margin] continued on Page ----- new page (MSS537_p068.jpg) Young School Teacher March the 14th to 42 lbs Flour at 6 cts March the 20th to 50 lbs Flour at 6 cts 4 60 27 By 2½ Shollars at $3 Dollars each 7 50 28 to 50 lbs Flour at 5 cts 2 50 John Murray Brought from Page 60 7 10 1861 Account Brt forward 1384 49 1344 37 Jan 1 by Labour and Lumber from house Per Bill 166-47 166 47 by Jeremiah 4 Day, Work on race 6 00 1 Day, Ploughing and two yoke Cattle Per Jer[-] and myself 6 50 to w for Caulkey flumer $2 2 00 Contract for Shingle building $50 50 00 by 12 50 Shingles at 4 bush Per Mouran 10 00 Feb 10 to 12¾ Days work -- 3 Doll Per day 38 25 Jeremaih 2 Days 3 00 Let Fred Hause have an ordr for 6 bushels of Whet 9 from John Berry and Robt Watson 1 Do 1 50 Dr to Seven Bush and 36 lbs Wheat from 11 40 Br Pace —— Jerimiah by one Day Work 1 50 Marh 1 Day 3 00 April 1 Store Acct up to date 130 47 3 to acct from Markham $32..50 32 50 163869 1561 86 1561 84 Lumber Sawed by S Recd 59 32 70 85 Deduct ⅓ for Sawing Makes 399 5 feat furnished by Richard and Self in 1861 ——————— 5147 need actt 3995 9142 Deduct Mule trade 5738 Baleanc Lumber Due 34 04 T Murray ----- new page (MSS537_p069.jpg) Stephen Markham [-]60 Dr Cr [--]rch 20 By Goods & Sundris 734 36 to Paid in Cash $ 24 00 to Credit by Thomas $4-90 28 90 to one Span of Mules 290 00 to one yoke oxen 70 00 to 7 Bsh Wheat at $150 per Bsh & 2 Bsh 13 50 to Grinding 350 Bsh Wheat x 70 00 to 5 Bsh <&10 lb of> Wheat by Luke at 150 & 2 Bsh by Self all at 150 per Bsh 10 75 pril 3 to 4 Bsh Wheat at <$>1,50 per Bsh April 3 to 3 Bsh Wheat & 20 lbs a $ 1-50 <483 15> 6 00 18 to 5 Bsh Wheat at $1,50 cts per Bsh <5 00> 7 50 day 5 to 2 Bsh Wheat — — — — — — — — — — <501 65> 3 00 Augst {to Grinding 154 bush 30 lbs – 311 22 lbs {also 70 bushels making malt 535 bushels 52 88 92 Packing 2 30 Sacks flour at 1 bush Per himre 3 45 to 50 lbs flour 200 - ½ bushel Meal 75c 2 75 Store acct 12 97 612 74½ Eror on Grindey 10 50 33 Sacks 132 744 86 1861 744 74½ April 3 Setteld up to Date Balance Due Markha 11½ Stephen Markhan ler by Sundries 123 71 Paid by Note: 122 76 ----- new page (MSS537_p070.jpg) Samuel Bjarnson By 4313 Adobies seventy five cents per 100 to be Paid in 32 35 By 18½ Days work at one Dollar & A half per Day to be Paid 27 75 By Job work 2 50 By Due on Packets order 4 Bsh of Wheat 8 00 to settled with W Draper for 8 Bsh & 11 lb & gave ola Anderson 70 60 March 21 A Due Bill for 3 Bsh & 49 lb making in all 12 Bsh at $2 Bsh at $2 per Bsh 24 00 22 By Cr from E. Gunnison 1 bushel Wheat 2 00 27 to 120 lb of Iron at 10 cts being A Tyre of Drapers Waggon Paid <$25 Cash for for the Iron> 12 00 28 to 200 lbs Flour at 5cts 10 00 Nov. 22 to 14 rods and 2 yds ditch 46 00 7 15 1 thousand adobies 7 50 82 feet Lumber on Sat Work 2 46 87 25 ½ Plug Tobbaco 37½ Marh 9 from old acct 9 bushel Wheat 18 July 25 to 176 lbs from 5 Cts 8 80 <1861> Febry 11 to ordr on Mill for 5 bushel Wheat 7 50 By 1 Days work at one Dollar per Day last winter 71 13 1 50 Dey 20 to gave one orde for seventeen dollars & 62 cts to be paid 17 62 88 75 88 75 ----- new page (MSS537_p071.jpg) 60 Erastus Curtis Merchant S Fork City Cr arch 23 By Goods & Sundries orders on Store <$> <$>1115 67 " to Settled with Jackson Stewart at Springvile for you by Note 392 25 " to Settled with Gideon Woods of Springvile for you By Note due october Next 200 00 " to Settled with Gideon Woods of Springvile for you By Note Due Aug 1t 184 62 " to 20 Bsh Wheat Jan 27 Paid you on Berrys order Feb 29th to 4½ Bsh Wheat to Self Both 36 75 " to work by Thomas Stewart 87½ " to 31 Bsh & 53 lb this from Bishop Buttler 47 82½ ril 13 to 3 Bsh & 45lbs Wheat at $1,50 Per Bsh 5 62 17 to 1½ Bsh Wheat to the Barrer your order 2 25 [-]ay 14 to 5 Bsh Wheat to Wm Holt your order $1,50 cts Per Bsh <870 19> 7 50 May 18 to 2 Bsh & 30 lbs Wheat May 29 to 7½ Bsh Wheat 877 69 [-]ne 10th to 6½ Bsh Wheat to Wm Holt your order <15 00> 9 75 By Goods & Beef Since Settement 902 44 76 07 uly 3 to Bsh Wheat by W Holt July 18 to 4 Bsh W Holt 9 00 1191 74 31 to 5 Bsh Wheat Self Aug 3 to 2½ Bsh Wheat by W Holt 11 25 ug 18 to 2 Bsh Wheat by John Murray Junier 3 00 ug 11 to Grinding 245½ Bsh Wheat 925 69 " to 26 Bsh oats at $1 per Bsh <40 00> 26 00 " to 4750 lb Flour at 4 Cts <991 69> 190 00 to Paid your Due Bill Gave to Mankeart 1181 69 to Grinding 17 Bsh & 20 lb of curts wheat & 21 Bsh & 40 lb of Drappers) <3 00> to half of McKee & Bennits wheat Grinding 121 Bsh & 50 lbs) 26 80 <1860> ep4 By Paying expences on the McKee & Bennet Wheat 1211 49 27 00 April 18th to 15 bushels of Wheat from tything office 22 50 <1218 74> er 29 by Goods on Page 50 Storebook 32 45 ----- new page (MSS537_p072.jpg) 1867 1860 Norton Jacobs Dr Cr 565 25 March 25 Brought from Page 8 530 87 " to order to John Murray 209 lb Flour your order 1½ Bsh Wheat 13 95 " to Gave A Note of twelve Dollars & fifty cents for five years 12 50 March 25 to Gave A Due Bill for for four Bsh Wheat at $2 <557 32> 8 00 Settled 565 32 Cr Charles Harley from Page 57 96 97 111 42 Jan 11 by Labour at Lan Law 11 Days 22 00 to ordr on Mill 4 bushel Wheat 8 00 133 42 23 Feb Accepted your order to 6 Soapes for 2 bush Wheat 4 Marh 10 to ordr for four bush Wheat 8 116 97 Aprl 3 Rd account to Br Markham 16 45 ----- new page (MSS537_p073.jpg) Luther Reid continued from Page 62 18 68 Dr Cr Brought Over 683 43 928 20 <859> 715 to Shoeing cattle at Salins & Beeby 6 00 512 to one quart of Moons Whiskey 1 00 to one Pair of Shoes for William got at Jennings 3 50 to one Pair of Bows 50 cts one ox yoke 250 got at Payson 3 00 ov 6 to Paid for Repairing Watch at city 4 00 to your verbal order to Pace in Shingle Mill 10 00 to one Peice of Mill Saw 25 to one lb of Nails 710 68 to Pd for repairing Watch $6 " ti abov nails 30 6 30 <861> 8 to one Pair of Shoes for William two Bsh Wheat 4 00 to one Pair of Shoes per G Bailey two Bsh Wheat 4 00 to one log house Bought from Bishop Miller of Mill Creek <& Sold to L Reid> 40 00 By tools to J & James Mathers & credited to A Gardner in their a/c 764 98 15 00 ec 13 By Work on Shingle Machine after Alex left 80 00 " to Thomas Robison for Blacksmithing & Charged to me 15 90 1023 20 <1862> [-]ug 6 to Paid your order Thomas 3 bl Maybery Dated July 18' 1858 25 00 Oct 17 to 40 Bsh & 3 Peck Wheat took from John Angus 81 50 " to took from Page 6 of Store Book 88 75 " to took from Page 10 on Saw Mill Book 976 13 ec 23 <1862> to took from Page 18 on Lavenders Book 14 41 <990 54> 25 00 1015 54 To Misstake on I Angus Book 3 bushels Wheat 6 By Dv on Sawing $1.55 Ripping 32 Cuts 7.30 8 85 1029 20 March <14> to Sawing on Page 1 Book D 567 ft June 4th 1860 1024 39 Do 15 ft Maple at 8 Cts 120 Sawing Bolster 30 Cts <756> 1 50 to Sawing on Page 4 Aug 2 Book D 345 ft 4 60 Do to 2 eging 50 Cts Dec 23 Page 6 Book D 487 ft Sawing 6 49 Page 7 Book D 14 ft of oak at 8 Cts 1 12 to took from Book Page 31 oct 17 113 ft lumber at 4 cts 4 52 Carried to Page 79 of this Book 1050 18 ----- new page (MSS537_p074.jpg) House Acount March 26 to 50 lbs Flour for Fish to 40 lbs Flour to Marsh 4 50 28 to 50 lbs Flour to School Master at 5 cts 2 50 29 to 265 lbs Flour received by self at 5 cts 13 25 Aprile 1 to 1 bushel of choped wheat at $ 2 Per bush 2 00 9 to 160 lbs flour at 5 cts fetched by Br Lavender 8 00 12 to 2 Bsh Wheat choped for pig at $ 2 Per Bsh 4 00 18 to Killed one hog Waying 223 lbs 34 25 16 to 175 lbs Flour Received by self at 5 cts 8 75 May 4 to 206 lbs flour Received by self at 5 cts 10 30 May 18 to 107 lbs flour May the 26 to 92 lbs flour May 29th to 100 lbs flour <53 30> 14 95 June 15 to 70 lbs flour June 21th to 105 lbs flour 14 95 1861 Elias Lewis July to took from Page 70 259 90 to took from Page 70 224 96 20 to ordr our Mill for 2 bushel Wheat 4 00 Sept to ordr on Mill for 2 bushel Wheat 4 00 one Pair Shoes 4 00 236 96 to 47 ft Lumber at 4 cts 1 88 to Slabs 11 at 25 cts 2 75 Dec 12 to order on Mill for nine Bsh & 10 lb Wheat at $2 241 59 18 31 Ballanced & settled at Date 259 90 ----- new page (MSS537_p075.jpg) Elias Louice March 29 to 150 lbs Flour at 6 cts 9 00 [-]prile 1 By 4 Days work on mill race at $2 Per Day 8 00 6 By 2½ Days work on mill race at $2 Per day 5 00 12 to 50 lbs Flour at 6 cts 3 00 13 By 6 Days Work at $2 Per Day 12 00 21 to 50 lbs Flour at 6 cts 3 00 <25 00> 18 By 2 Days Work $ 2 Per Day 4 00 26 By 4½ Days Work at $ 2 Per Day 9 00 May 5 to 57 lbs flour May 14 to 63 lbs flour 8 28 3 By 5 Days Work at $ 2 Pe day May 7th By 2 Days Work 23 28 14 00 May 18 to 28 lbs flour May 29th to 54 lbs flour June 13th to 25 lbs flour 6 42 52 00 May 10 June 18 to 50 lbs flour on June 19th to 60 lbs flour for shovel flour at acts 6 60 Mar 2 be 59½ Days Work on feet and shingle[---] 119 Dec 31 22 ½ Day, Work 45 to flour from Mill book to Augst 242 at 6 cts 14 52 to from Augst to Dece 31st 478 at 5 Cents 23 90 by 16½ rods of tail race 60 Cents 9 90 9 90 to Store acct 42 99 225 90 to 843 lbs of bran 17 00 to 2½ bushel meal 6 bushel of Wheat 17 00 1861 161 71 Feb 6th to order for five bush Wheat 10 00 22 to ordr for one and ½ bush Wheat 3 00 March 2 Pair of Cotton Ladies Stocking 3 Pair overalls $3 4 00 by J Days work on Sect and dam 18 00 to P S Stephen Markham $ 16-25 16 00 243 90 194 71 to Error on Goods 25 16 00 April 3 to ordr for 15 bushel Wheat to Page 69 30 00 259 90 224 96 ----- new page (MSS537_p076.jpg) John Berry 1860 By A Note gave John Bery By A Gardner for Beef to be Paid in Wheat at $ 100 158 43 March 30 to 10 bush wheat at $150 per Bsh (A S Dont Know who got this) 15 00 March 23 to Paid your order to Curtis 20 Bsh Wheat at 150 per Bsh 30 00 to Paid your Note to Bishop Harker 24 00 to Grinding 12 Bsh Wheat Matting one Bsh & Peck 1 87 to order to Stail 10 Bsh Wheat 15 00 to Gave order or Note to Anderson in favour of John Berry to Gave Due Bill Jan 11th 1860 to John Berry or bearer & Paid to 15 00 to 10 Bsh of Wheat on Last of Bill 15 00 to charged on sundries in Settlement 115 87 Aug 6 <1862> Settled at Date <42 56>158 43 ----- new page (MSS537_p077.jpg) Robert Watson Nov 4 Comenced work to Day at Noon Monday at one Bsh Wheat to one pipe & Stem 15 cts Tobaco at Drapers 50 65 [--] 861 Feb to 4 bushel Wheat from Wilir Pace 1 Bush Do from John Murray Jun ----- new page (MSS537_p080.jpg) John Murray Senr acct Brt fron Cr Dr Page 63 Ballanc to his Cr.. 70 85 Apri 3 to ordr for 10 bush Wheat 20 00 from store book 3 lbs Nails 90 Mill actt up to date 20 90 14 — by ½ at I mutter 1 50 22 Do 1½ Day at Dam and Sect 4 50 2 Loads of Straw re & by Fred House 2 00 22 by Clerking up to for last year 25 00 June 15 by 3 Days work on flume a 350/100 10 50 1 Day 1 Work at Shingle Machine 3 50 2 Pair overalls $2 to 2 lbs of Shott one Pair Boots 11 00 Septr. 18 to Ordr for 10 Bushels Wheat — 20 — 19 by one Day 1 Work on Shafts 3 50 August by ½ Day at Mouth of Sect 1 50 Br Davis Shoe Maker Bill 27 40 27 40 Novr ½ Day at Mill roof 1 75 July 15 <1862> Mill a account up to Date 52 50 12460 152 70 Aprile 3 to ballance of Lm at date 3404 feet at 2 bush Wheat Per Hundred — 68 bush — ----- new page (MSS537_p081.jpg) John Mure of Junior, re <4> B 9¼ Days Work on flumes a shingle mchy 18 50 3½ Day Do Do 7 00 Pantaloon $6.00 2 boxes Pepper 25 50 6 50 25 x3 bushel of Wheat 4 50 10 xto ordr for 4 bushel and 40 lbs Wheat 7 00 Feb 5 <1861> to ordr for 5 bush Wheat 7 50 Jan 29 from Sect acct Perself .. 1½ Day 2 25 2 25 Cr Per Thomas Riley 3 Days 4 50 4 50 April 27 to Per ordr on Mill 4 bush 30 lbs Wheat 6 75 ----- new page (MSS537_p082.jpg) S Fork Saw Mill Expences May 24 <1860> By Blacksmithing By Thomas Robison from Date up to this Date 16 95 January <1862> Elias Lewis worked 4½ Days on head & tail race at $1,50 cts per day 6-75 Georg. Archibald worked 3 Day on head & tail race at $1,50 cts per day 4-50 1862 Fredrick hanson By 4½ Days work on head & tail race $1,50 cts per day 6-75 January Pleasant Bradford By 1½ Days work don on tail race $1,50 cts per day 2 ¼ Neil Gardner By 4½ Days work don on mill race $150 cts per day 6 75 1863 Nov 20 Carried to Page 39 Saw mill Day book 43 74 ----- new page (MSS537_p083.jpg) George Archibald By 1 Days work don on head race & 2 Day on tail race $1,50 cts 4 50 brought from mill Expence Page 75 Paid in flour from Grist Mill ----- new page (MSS537_p084.jpg) 1862 Henry Larter April 29 to 200 lbs flour at 6 cts Per pounds 12 00 ----- new page (MSS537_p085.jpg) 62 Jackson Stewart of springvill ay 2 to 600 lbs flour ----- new page (MSS537_p086.jpg) 1870 Luther Reed July 12 This Day Luther Reid & A. Gardner Settled up all our old acounts Dr Credit took from Page 68 1518 Po 29 20 " Took from Page 68 1050-18 1029 20 " By old Note Dated Big Cottonwood 58/ for Home Made cloth 79 00 " By nine Days work at Jordan & Mill creek fastening Crank 27 00 " To Cash 10 00 [1135 20 " To order on W Jordon Cooperative Store 30 00 " To be Paid in A Tithing order for which I gave my 1870 Note to be transferred to Parris Bear Lake valley 43 02 July 12 to one Duster Coat (acount Closed at Date) 1133 20 2 00 [1135 20 ----- new page (MSS537_p089.jpg) QUARTERLY $1.50 PER ANNUM The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine Published by the Genealogical Society of Utah ANTHON H. LUND. President JOSEPH F. SMITH, JR., Secy., Treas. and Librarian LILLIAN CAMERON. Assistant Librarian DIRECTORS Anthon H. Lund Charles W. Penrose Joseph Christenson Joseph F. Smith. Jr. Anthony W. Ivins Duncan M. McAllister Heber J. Grant Are You Interested in the Salvation for the Dead? This doctrine is the burden of the scriptures and is made obli- gatory to the Saints. Said the Prophet Joseph Smith, "Those Saints who neglect the salvation of their dead, do so at the peril ----- new page (MSS537_p090.jpg) of their own salvation, for we cannot be saved in the Kingdom of God without our dead relatives who died without a knowledge of the Gospel; and they cannot be saved until the ordinances are performed by us in their behalf, in the temples of the Lord, ac- cording to the plan instituted by our Redeemer in the heavens before the foundation of the world was laid." Therefore, it behooves each of us to gain our own salvation by performing these ordinances in behalf of our dead. What Are You Doing in Behalf of Your Dead? Help us that we may in turn help you and the multitude of others who should be engaged in this "most glorious subject belong- ing to the everlasting gospel," ----- new page (MSS537_p091.jpg) and "the Greatest Responsibility that God has laid upon us." We need your co-operation and encouragement. The great- est pleasure comes to us when we assist others. We can assist others better by aiding in the salvation of the children of men than in any other way. A subscription to the Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine is $1.50 per year. The magazine contains 48 pages. Published quarterly, commenc- ing January, 1910. Subscribe now. Send all subscriptions to the Genealogical Society of Utah, 60 East South Temple Street. Salt Lake City. "He shall plant in the hearts of the children the prom- ises made to the fathers and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers; if it were not so the whole earth would be utterly wasted at His coming. Doc. and Cov. ii: 2, 3. ----- new page (MSS537_p092.jpg) SUBSCRIPTION BLANK THE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF UTAH: 60 East South Temple St., Salt Lake City DEAR BRETHREN: Inclosed you will find $____________ for my subscription to the UTAH GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE for the year 19___. Please forward my copy to the following address, and oblige, Yours respectfully, _______________________________ SIGN NAME IN FULL City_________________ Street No._____________________ County____________________ State________________________ ----- new page (MSS537_p094.jpg) What is the date of any fathers babtism, blessing patriarchal blessing. when ordained a high priest. & also my mother. Margret Gardner's blessing. Jos. A. Jackson, 19 Oaklands Ave. Toronto writes: I have received from our Public Archives an additional list of Scotch emigrants, and on the list I was more than pleased to find that of your great- grandfather Robert Gardner. The vessel was named "The Commerce" and left Glasgow (Greenock harbor) May 7th, 1821. He had with him two children a daughter and son, 18 and 13 years of age respectively. Roberts Gardner's age was given as 40. The two children would be Mary and William Sent to Janet Bradford Perry 2765 Imperial St. Salt Lake City, Utah. ----- new page (MSS537_p096.jpg) we Should have the preference Brigham Paid us good at St Louis prises and Paid us Cash for the ballance to the Last Ct letting us change A bill of A hundred Dollars and take our pay out of it leaving it in our hands three weeks when I went with it Rockwood Saying we might Keept it until lled for we them in the Winter cemenced to Build houses my oldest Girl Janed Died of the Hives on the aged Month & Days we halled wood for the wives of those the went in the [-]rmy and got into our houses about New year all our folks was Sick but Myself I never enjoyed [-]etter Health in any country My Wife was Sick about 3 week Robert about 3 weeks all the Rest [-]spesialy My Father & Roger Lockharm was sick with the Black leg which was the genard [--] disease Suposed for want of vegetables & living on Dry food William my Brother his son John Daughter Jane was Sick in my house most of the winter I sold A good Log house for A Gun valued 10 Dollars in the Spring after living in about 3 Month costing me about 100 Dollar we all Started for the Mountains about the first of June all our Relations, (Neil my second [-]oy having been Run over by one of Bishop Hunter Waggons loaded with 8 large Green [--]ttonwood Logs to Split with the Maul & Wedge to make house Logs the Wheel Running [-]ver his Breast and leaving him sensless on the ground there was on the Waggon 4 yoke [--] Stout Cattle we called upon Phenichas Richards & adminestered to him & put him [-] A pesperation with hot Brick & Cloth Round Round them Pouring on watter Keeping [--] So for three Days & 3 Nights Keeping the Blood in circulation so that he never got [-]lack by the this Means & the Prayer of Faith he was Miraclusley healed) we Started. Bishop Hunters 100 & Captain Horns 50 I being A Captain of 10 we had to Stand gaurd & herd & Drove em yoking up cows & heifers my Wife Driving the horse teem all the way even to over the Big Mountain ariving in the valey on the first Day of october & Marget was Born on the 5 Night or before Day on the 6 So you can se what the Lord can Do to strenthen the back for the Burthen we had the hardest time on the way of any other company having weak teems & heavy loads had to have 15 Month Provisions my horses Gave out before we got to Larime so I concluded [-]o feed them some corn & bring them through as I could not take my load without them and by feeding them A few Brushels I got them to hall the Rest & I knew that I would have A teem & then could Kill my oxen & eat them but amidst all we hassed through the hand of the Lord was over us and we got Safe to the place of our Destination ----- new page (MSS537_p097.jpg) So the teamster Never asked my Name nor where I was from but I praised the horses & he Drove through Mud & ice for about 45 Miles & the farther he went the better they got I do not Know of Seeing even wet hair on the horses & he left me at A vilage Some 20 Miles from Detroit Some 10 <60 miles from Pt Reed> hundred & ten Miles from where I had Started without sleep or any Refreshment as Soon as I stept out of the waggon he Drove of without even asking me for Pay or giveing me time to thank him he sent A noon Next Morning for 50 cts I sent him A Dollar I then went A foot to Detroit & look the Rail cars got to Kalimizo in 10 hours from Detroit Distance 140 Miles from Detroit & 250 from home I then felt Safe & went on my way Rejoiceing Changing my name almost every Day So that I could not be traced took A Boat at Peru & went Down to Bryants Landing thence A foot to Navo Pasing throug Carthage being Showed the place where Joseph was killed, by A Mormon, I Road with who was going to Navo I Staid 11 Day in Navo & then Started Back taking with me John Borrowman going by the way of St Louis Staid about A well at A farm house expecting to Se my folks Pass but lest they might have Passed we went on to Juliet and while we went into A taveren to engage or Board they Passed by & when we come Down to the River to fish we found them feeding their Horses making Ready to Start we had A happy meeting the Lord had Spared all of My Family & Relations we still enjoyed the Faith spirit of the work we then took our Jorney for Navo nothing happening worthy of Notice only A few Strangites atackled us with their Sympthys but we Did not argue with them only when they were impertinent we told them we would have to cast out Devils if they did not leave we arived in Navo in good health & spirits found that the twelve had Started for the Rocky Mountains we staid 3 weeks & fitted out & Started in Companys organized in tens passing Pisga & Garden Grove where they had made farms and left some who was not prepared to go on we arived at liberty Pole A few Miles from the Ferry at Sarpes Point there we had A Call mad from the Government for 500 Men which was raised in Day or two leaveing Women & children on the Parary & some sick we crossed the River & Camped at A place called Cuttlers Park for abot two Months where cut hay aroused there & prepared feed for our cattle to Winter Driveing out Stock that we did not need in herds up the Missoura Bottoms in the Rushes we then looked out A Plac[-] on the Missouri Bottomes & moved to it cottting its Names Winter quartes 2 miles from Cutlers Park Rober my Brother James Craig & myself took A contrack of [---] out the Mill timber and got it out to the aprobation of the Presidency the High Council voted Remember us and if their was any good Jobs to be given after we went over the Mountain ----- new page (MSS537_p098.jpg) will thou have Mercy on thy servant & stop this ice that I may be Deliverd and that I may not fall into the hands of my enymies and at this time all fear vanished and I for once felt the Power of Faith of I never had before neither had I to the same extent in such A case as this I Started. The sun had struck by this time the tall Pines behind the viliage & now the crowd which had wached my Movements from the high ground begun their shouting I Stepped toward the Broken ice and the Noice of the ice had ceaced which had made A Noice like some watter fall and all was silence exept the voices of the inhabitants of Black River there was an opening where I first left the unbroken Part of some ten feet which I took A Runing Jump and landed to the Knees in the Slush I Kept on climbing over cakes & Piles of Slush Broken ice which had been so from waves in the Lake which was only 3 Miles of Sometimes I had to go Round where the watter Boiled & whirled I had to go this way Nearly one Mile as the River here is A Mile & eight Rods aide & there was only A few Rods unbroken when I Came to the Shire the Reached me A Rail I Sprang from the Broken ice Steping on the Midle of the Raill Rail & then on shere & felt to thank god when some said he must be A Mormon others the Devil is in the Man Mrs Davin Port Steped up I having been acquanted with her & said what A fright I had given her I told her by Shakeing my head to be Still & So Started through the crowd Passing allong leaving them in consternation Some Saying what Does this Mean who ever saw the ice stop in this way as I had not Rested for 60 Miles through Bad Roads in the breaking up of Spring and had eat every title I called at A tavern & took A glass of spirits which I had not tasted for some years & then went on about 2 miles when I came to myself being sleepy & tired the logn lonesome Jorney before me of Seven hundred Miles on foot & alone to Navo and leaving my Family Sick & them Yet in the hands of enemies all Rushed to my Mind So I prayed A Lord though did hear my Prayer for which I thank thee in Stoping the ice if it is not to much send A teem that I may get A Ride as I am not yet out of the hands of my enimies but what they may trace as the saw me cross the River when I had prayed A few words I looked & Saw two teems close to me I Said I will Know if they are sent of the Lord if they will Call me to Ride So they Drove up & called out Freind do you [-]ish to Ride I answered yes & Said in my heart God Bless you So ----- new page (MSS537_p099.jpg) all farewell leaving the home of my Youth where I had Some happy Days as far as Gentill happyness goes & where I had Spent many A Drop of Sweat & Done A great Deal of hard work leaving My Wife Sick Started trusting in the Lord that he would Preserve them & me until we would meet again I traveled 30 Miles in the Night Starting after Dark I arived at Port Sarnia at Day break on the Banks of the River St Clair which Divides Canada from the States I Started towards the River in hopes to cross on the Ice being about the first of March But to my Awfull Disapointment the Ice had given way and it was crowding out of Lake Huron So that the cakes of &c ice was Raising on their edge Sometimes 10 ft high their was A little Peice of the Bay that had not broken up I had already Started on this Meditating on the Situation I was placed in leaving my Family and my country as an exile not even Knowing what was up I heard A Sound as it were of Alarm I Raised my head and found where I was Walking was all in A tremble and in casting my eyes to the River I saw the tumult at intervals I could se the people on the oposite side at Black River viliage having gathered by hundreds and as they saw me aproach the ice they would shout almost in Mass weaving hankercheifs & hats for me to Stay back I could Se Down the River for about 10 Miles and it was all in Motion I Stood and beheld the scene with intence interest when the crowding of the Remai[---] ice was Raising the Solid ice under my feet & I was obliged to Retreat to sh[--] for safety & then I could se the people on the oposite side Plain as the banks was Some 20 ft high I could then look over the Roling ice which was then going at the Rate of Seven Miles an hour at least that is the Rate then River Runs at that place I stept up the Streets to se John Andersen to tell him to watch and se me across so that he could tell what become of me as he had come with me all the way from my Fathers house to se me Safe out of Canada I told him I was going over safe <& I had only 50 Dollars on me at the time & I paid him Anderson ten Dollars of this money to go & tell my folks> I went Down to the Bank of the River & I prayed A Lord the God of Ancient Israiel thou knowes the Desir[-] of thy servents Heart and as I am fleeing from my enimies So that I can Gathe[-] with thy saints and I have not Done wrong but Seek to Keep thy Comandments ----- new page (MSS537_p100.jpg) tired out & was frozen to Death only Some half A Mill from the Fort his Father liveing some 5 Mills from there he was not found for about eight Days he lef Box elder on the Morning of the no Doubt Died that Night and was found on the not being Disturbed by Birds or wolves Jane his Williams Daughter was Married to Rowsel Bradford on Mach 3d 1852 my Second Wife Abigails Son his (Rowsel Bradford) first A Son Rowsel by Name was Born on Mill creek Salt Lake County in my house on Mill Creek April 23d 1853 Ann his Daughter was Born Some County March 26th 1855 this is all the great Grand children exept A little Girl John Gardner that was Frozen to Death left Named Emirine Elizebeth Born Mill Creek S L County haveing Giveing A Short history of My Relations I will now Return to my own history My Son Archibald Died aged 18 Month in the Same place he was Born Jannet Died aged 18 Month in Winter quarters Bothe of Bowel Hives Diging Same Day of the Month and Born only one Day of the Month Diferent two years Apart we haveing Joined the Momons Sold out or give away all our Property consisting of 2 good Grist Mills one Saw Mill & 500 acres of Land only geting for our first Grist & Saw Mill 1600 Dollars it being valued at 6000 Just before 5 Joined the church I Sold the other for 2200 Dollars worth 5000 leaving all out Standing Debts also A Contract of Staves that had cost me over 1000 Dollars besides my Winters work haveing Joined with two other Partners because they could not cary on the work they being Bound under A Penalty of 1200 Dollars to hav them in the River by A certain Day by me going in they was to give us time but on hearing that I was going to leave, they Swore out A Capis for me So I left 60000 Staves all Culled on the bank of the River at the price of 50 Dollars per 1000 haveing born about half the Expenses and concluded to loose it all as Knew they expected to take all my means I had to Move with & So the Devil inspired them to Destroy me if they Could but I put my trust in the Lord and Started from where I was ten Miles South of my old Mill Coming to my Mother in Laws and Borrowing A harde Past my old Place and went out ten Miles to my Fathers where all my folks was & my Wife & Family & staid 2 hours biding them ----- new page (MSS537_p101.jpg) . I went with him to the city on the 22d helping him to Hall the hand Cart to the city Returned home and on the Morning of the 23d went again & Seen them Start up the Emigrato[--] Kanyon helping to Draw the hand Cart from the City to that place Some 5 to Return to my Brother William he comenced clearing Land in Warwick Land good but heavy timber & back in the woods A long way from the old Settlements & Navigation his Son William was Born in Warwick & Wiliam My Brother Could not work on acoun[-] of his Wife having fitts She fell in the fire and Burned herself Severely her hand was Burned to A Cinder her throut was Burned Nearly through her face was Badly Disfige[--]d her senses was gone on acount She had no Memory So he took her Back 500 Miles to her Fathers as She had 3 Sisters at home So that they Could take care of her until his children would grow up to take care of her as he had Just to Watch her all the time to Keep her out of the fire She got intirely out of her head & would Run to the woods one Day as they had it large Kettle of watter on the fire She took A fit & fell into the Kettle of Boiling wat[--] Scolding herself so that She Died in A few Days leaving William her Son in the charge of his Grandfather & Grandmother where he has Remained ever since being now 22 years old or near it after his Wife Died he Married my Wifes Sister Janet Livingston his first Daughter by her was Margret Born in Warwick County Kent Western Districk Canada west Neil was Born Same Place in Jannet was Born same place Duncan was Born Salt Lake County Mill Creek Archibald was Born Sam[-] county on Big Cottonwood Brigham was Born Same Place Big Cottonwood Heber was Born Same Place. Jedediah was Born Same place in fall of 1856 William Married him another Wife Named [--] Mary Smith She was Bo Township of Western District Canada west an and Same fall William & Family Moved to Cash Valey where he Now Resid[--] his Son Robert Died in warwick aged John his Next got Maried on the to A Girl Named Elizebeth hill he Started to Se his Father and in crossing the Mountain alone he got as Suposed ----- new page (MSS537_p102.jpg) . Robert My Brother was Born Married in the year 1841 March 17th County Kent Father Sold out & Moved to the west with us when we become Mormons he lived on Mill Creek till the Day of his Death he was Baptzed in the the year 18 Mill Creek. By John Borrowmon he Received his Endowments the Same time as we all Did Mother & all his children being in the year 1852 he was ordained A High Preist under the hous of in the year 185 he Died in the little house on the hill in Great Suffering for about two or three weeks with the Gravel in the year 1855 Nov 20th and was Burried in his Temple Clothing in the Burrying Ground of S Lake City leaving Mother in the little house where She now lives being now over 81 80 years of Age. Robert Son of Robert my Brother was Born in Warwick County Canada west in the Month of Dec Dec 31 1841 Mary his Daughter was Born Feb 13th 1843 Warwick township County Kent western Districk Cannada west Margret his Daught[--] was Born Sep 11th 1844 Same Place, William his Son was Born May 22d 1846 Toway Territory united States while on our Tourney to the west or Salt Lake Robert his oldest Son. Died Aug 13th 1847 Deer creek Platt River while we was Journeying to S Lake at Panee villiage or Indian town he fell out of the waggon & bothe front & hind Wheels Run over him he lived Some three or four weeks after never having any Pasage after and was Burried at the above Named Place Sarah was Born Nov 28th 1848 Mill Creek S L County Elizebeth was Born Jan 12th 1851 Same place James his Son was Born May 10th 1853 Same place Thomas his son was Born July 23d 1858 Same place all of these eight children belonging to Jane McKean his first Wife Robert My Brother Married Syntha Bery Aug 5t 1851 in Salt Lake City John his Son was Born July 8th 1852 at Jordan Mills S L County Royal his Son was Born April 10th 1854 on Mill Creek Salt Lake County Jannet his Daughter was Born March 17th 1856 on Mill Creek & Said County Robert My Brother Married Mary Ann. Carr July 20th 1856 in Salt Lake City he Started on his Mission to Canada on the 23th of April 1857 with A hand cart and a crippled leg. ----- new page (MSS537_p103.jpg) [left side of the page, text cut off] Page ircumstanse I will Just Mention when I first went with two Irishmen to Ca A Road through the woods of Brooke where I after had the Mill I Staid at A p land Scotchmans house all night when three young Girls came in the first d not notice nor the Second but when the last one came in although I never her before nor did She Speack one word of English Something as it were oke to my understanding that is your wife Stried to court and even Marry other ls as circumstances seemed against me Marrying but could not my mind would lways Return to her & upset all my calculations So at last when I got the Mill Stand tarted I sent for her to Detroit distance 100 Miles and got married on the 19 of Feb he was Born in Argile Shire Scottland town Loch Gilphead Oct 12th 1818 39 Robert was Born Feb 1 1840 Neil was Born June 24 1841 Archibald was m in April 10th 1843 Jannet was Born April 9th 1845 all the Township Brooke nty Kent western District Canada west we went & built A Grist Mill in the Township Enis Kellin some District 27 miles by the Road from our home at the others Mill we had A Burr Stones at this Mill good Twitter two Silk Bolts one for Country use the other Merchant work to Return to my Sister Mary the Spring after we had got to warwick She got Married to George Sweeten March 29th 1836 and lived A half Miles from us in Township of Broke he was A farmer She had one Boy n Dead Dec 25th 1836 if lived his name would have been George Margett was Born c 28th 1837 Next was twins A Boy & Girl Dead Born Dec 8 1839 bert was Born Dec 14th 1840 George her husband Died Dec 24th 1842 ger Luckham Married her my Sister Mary oct 21th 1844 Mary Luckha[--] as born Aug 15 1845 all in the Township of Brooke County Kent western istrict Canada west, Susan Luckham was Born in Salt Lake City after She & her husband had Moved to the west haveing become Mormons Oct 21th 1848 er they left the City they Moved out to Mill creek where they now live April 30th 1857 to Say A little More about my Father he lived in Dalhouse for twelve years & then Moved to Warwick where William & myself had got A A please for him. She Staid n warwick twelve years Robert his younget Son Staying with him he being A Miller when he was young for Sone few years about time I was Born the come & helpt me after at my Grist Brook township nine Miles from his Farm ----- new page (MSS537_p104.jpg) [right side of page torn] with the Blood Runing & then got it Rolled up the Men all left Next day so that went Knees Knees one & half Mile to A Shanty where A Man & his wife lived when I got the Mon went out to work for Provisions only Coming home on Saturday Night I lay Seventeen Days 500 Miles from home & 30 Miles back in the woods when I again wen work William McAlpin & myself changed work we Stuck up Bark on some cr and sleept under it when the wolves would yell all night all around us he would S Keep awake let us make fire & c I would say no Danger & go to Sleep as though I w best bed Room haveing nothing but the bed cloths we had carried on our back I have Pa 40 lbs on my back & traveled 50 Miles A Day for several Days together all I used to ca was Dry Bread or crackers for Several weeks and when chopping in the woods we Ba in A fry Pan and would Sometimes have A little Pork I had only got one week from Cu my foot the first time when I cut My other ft on Joint of my Great toe and was S [-]exed at myself that I said I would work no matter how it went and I did not loa an hour it continued Sore until the time came to go home so I started & travel over 300 miles of the 500 that lay between me & my folks and so that was the only time I ever was home sick but I thought if ever I got back I would value A home but I got over it & never was troubled Since after Spending the winter among my old aquantance chopping ten acres of heavy timber & cuting & halling one hundre Saw Soys to Raise Means I Started again to the west where william was we and Raised some crop when in fall my Father & all the Rest came after us So now See we are all in warwick I Staid at home & took Jobs ocasionaly of chopping for [-] 2 years when I went & looked out A place to Build A Mill 9 miles from where we lived and comenced by the Milbright telling me that by haveing 400 Dollars besides what labour I could Do but the Patriot was comenced my Dar[-] on acount of being left before it was finish all went so that in the spring after there was A Prospect of Pence I had to comence anew and the frame I Comenced on the 27 of March & comenced to grind on the 17th of July haveing cost 3300 Dollars but I acomplished the work only I was only A log and then I worked in the watter and out of the watter to overcome the expence later the Mill Night & Day done so that all the sleep I got was on A Sack while the happer would hold out and by this got clear of Debt I built A Mill and got along well haveing Custom from 30 [-]iles Round ----- new page (MSS537_p105.jpg) after this we began to Make Roads Build Mills and the Settlers got to understand the Country but the Canada Thistle almost Run them out wheat comenced Rust & corn got frozen and we eat Rens bread I will never forget how I hated to eat it at last I got So Sick of that Country that I left and took Land in the Township of Warwick haveing never left my Fathers house before I traveled 1000 miles on foot and got A little of the Rust Rubed of to Return to my Brother William he got Maried in January 1829 to A Girl Named Ann Lackey Robert his Son was Born April 3 1830 John was born oct 24th 1831 Jane was born Augt 21t 1833 all in talk we left but his wife being subjects to convultion fits he had A hard time he cleased A farm on the banks of what was called Mud Lake on the Small Missisipi working hard timber heavy Land Stony and the thistles growing thicker & faster after the hard wood timber was cleared of So that the People Could not make Potash the people thought of Leaving A good many of them this was the case with William although we had good times & hard times mixed we used to take the hounds & go to the Lakes & chace the Deer into the Watter and then follow them with A Birch bark Couse and then either Shoot or Kill with clubs we used to go out at night with Bark Lantern along the River Banks haveing the Lantern in the front of the canoe and when we would hear the Deer walking we would light the candle and Paddle Canoe up within A few Steps the Deer Could not se anything behind the Lantern as it was open in front faceing him So that we could Shoot them nicely we used to go out in the woods and what they called Still hunt this was best when there was A light snow other times when the snow was Deep and A thaw came and A crust came on the snow we would take old watch the old hound & Kill two or three A Day so we used to have sport that we liked as we could always have plenty of Meat William was A Keen hunter and Killed A great many Deer & Some other Game Ducks & Geese Patrige otter &c &c but after I left and went back to winter William his wife & children Started to the New home 500 Mile. late in the fall I waited till Spring & then followed I Saw Some hard times that first Sumer after traveling on foot hunting A place to Lint me I comenced to clear the Land I went to A Shanty 2 Miles every Night for about A week So as to have company when one Night afternoon, I split my foot with the axe I Run the two Miles ----- new page (MSS537_p106.jpg) (in the Snow) winter with A back Load of Provisions when one Place My Father went Deeper than usal usual and Sitting on the Snow Said to William we will have Luck from the continue but when the Cork was Pulled it was frozen it must have been very Cold or the Whiskey very Strong many Such incedents I have heard them tell in their July mood all the Emigrants that Came at that time had hardships to endure Past the common Privations Suffered in New Settlement as they were all in miss mass inexpeirenced they could not chop and had no teem either to Log or go to Mill or to Harow But the Loged by Hand caried all their Rails on their shoulder Made Bridges carying the Logs & all their Log houses they would get together and from 4 to 16 men would put handspikes under it & cary it the Building Raising Some large Log Buildings 30 or 40 ft long in this way my Father cleared 10 acres & had it in crop the first year this way & continued to Do So for about three or four years before we had A teem my Brother William went to the eiry cannal & worked out & go Money and brought home A yoke of two year old Steen after being some three years in the country my Father bought A yoke after four years haveing cleared Some 40 arres by hand of heavy timber A good Deal of hemilock carring all the Grain to Mill on their Back one year all the Mills was frozen up on acount of A Dry fall and hard winter William went to Boltons Mill and staid 5 Days with A back load and then Did not get My Father Bougth A Pepper Mill for 2 Dollars and we gam ground all on it for over A year I have Stuck to it until I was allmost sick of Living but before we got it we lived one winter on bitter or winded Potatoes with which was A hard thing the Dog to eat my Sister Jannet took Sick with the Typhes Fever we firt noticed after complaining of Stiches for Some month She took sick and Next Day told her Mother that She must go to work or her Father would be angry So my Mother came out & told us She never had her senses any more She lived about 3 weeks the Night before She Died they were Pouring watter from A Tea Kettle on her head She Said let me lie by the Midle of the Night I will be at the Top of the Hill and as She Said at Midnight She went to Rest During that time we could not get any Flour or Meal but we got A little Coarse Shorts or fine Bran She Said is that four one such Stuff as that but She had no other while She lived ----- new page (MSS537_p107.jpg) But times got Poor Buisness became Dull & the People got Dissatisfied with the P Goverment Meetings were held even Privately in our own house or Taveren Skirmish after Skirmish took Place untill the Battle of Bunock Burn when Prisoners were taken & Sent to Tail to await their trial although young I Still Remember the Shril sound of Glass Buggle of My Brother Williams when it sounded turn out at Midnight at the cross of Kilsyth two Doors from ours the Sound of Doors opening & Shuting along the Street as the Buggle Sounded & the componies Passed allong, the Din grew Louder as the companies increased William had Sent it without Knoledge of this Purpose it was used for after the Radicals was Defeated at this Battle the Goverment took active Measures & crowd Tails & castles with Prisoners and many honest People was caried away to Prison that had no hand in this affiar because of information giveing throug Spite the Factor of the town having been Defeated in A Law Suit by My Father his great Pride was hurt & he reeked his vengence on my Father by informing that he was A Rebel he was taken from his Buisness & made Prisoner in Stirling castle to await his trial when the Judges would come in nine weeks they came when Beard & Hardy was condemned & hung & beheaded and A Great many Banished to Botany Bay my Father was Released without any one to bring any thing against him I Remember the Day he come back when crowds come to See him I was then only 5 years old & My Mother took me by the hand & we met him on the Burn green outside of the town my Father had often talked of going to Amerca but after this useage he told my Mother that he wont go if he had to burn Sailor & work his Pasage before he would stay to be dragged from his home & on Spite & no Redress he would go where he could enjoy liberty So as I mentioned in the first of this he left to find A new home like Lehi & his Family of old and although not Led by Revelation like them the hand of the Lord was in it as we have seen since after he Landed in America they took Land in Balhurst District the Goverment giveing it free but it was genarly Rocky and cold A Greet Nomber of the Emigrants Staid at their Camps to long & & Died of Flus & other Disease and used up their Means Some left for the States others went to clear their Land after means are gelting Sease but My Father & William & Mary Started from Lowark their camping place to took Land Next Day and took land 7 Miles back in the woods & comenced to Built A Log cabin & packed all their Loggage on their back without A Road throug Swamps & over Logs all their Provisions & all their seed in the spring Potatoes & every thing one time my Father & William was coming home in the ----- new page (MSS537_p108.jpg) . Nothing of Father & the Rest until we arived at Presscot above Montreal where he hearing of the wives of 25 Men that had left the Same way as my Father Did to go and Se the country and if it Suited to Raise crop for their Familys he Started on foot it being 72 Miles from where he took up Land and Met us there at Said Prescot I Mention this the more Particular as that was A time long to be Remembered we traveled 10 Miles where My Brother William was working for A Man by the Name of Gray we got there at Noon when the Men was coming in to dinner and the woman of the house wishing to se them Meet called Mother to Se which of these Men was William he being about 18 years old and had in one year growed so tall that before they come to the Door She took Thomas Reid to him his clothing considerable injured by wear his Scotch Bonnet or Cap holes in it his face was sunburned and she did not at first Know him he in turn Paid no atention not expecting we was in America but on turning Round they all Burst into tears and althogh only 8 years of age will never forget this Meeting and my Fathers, we had A good time & Started to Brockvile & that Night got Some 20 Miles from Prescot William Leaving his & come home with as my Brother caried me on his Back Some of the time & Father caried me some of the time and once or twice My Mother carried me on her Back when some of the Rest Carried Robert My Brother for her which She had carried most of the time he being 2 and half years old and not weaned yet. we arived in Dolhousie where my Sister Mary had Staid and took care of the Place while my Father was come to meet us She comeing out of the litle Log House heard us coming & Run through the wood, on the foot Path to meet us but comeing up with her little Dog Snap on seing us Burst into tears & Returned to Shanty where we all came up and had another Joyfull time haveing all got Safe through the Mercy & Blesing of God to A home in Woods. of America where liberty & Peace & A Prospect of Plenty & A free home of our own was A Joy that filled every Heat after after the long Absence which was mixed with So many hopes & fears To Return to my Father he was Brought of goodly Parents being the youngest of thirrteen his Father being an Elder in the Presbeterian Church he was Bound out to Learn to be at House carpenter & comenced working Journey work when young after being Married few years he comenced Keeping Grocery & Tavern Keeping he then Renterd the Garril Mill from the Connal Company where I was Born he had also A farm Doing A good Deal of Buisness he being A good Scholar ----- new page (MSS537_p109.jpg) Mill Creek Ward Great Salt Lake valey April 10th 1857 Journal of Archibald Gardner & A Breif acount of my life before this Date: I was Born in Kilsyth StirlingShire Scotland My Fathers Name was Robert Gardner Son of William Gardner & Cristin Henderson. He was Born at or near Huston town, Scotland And his forefathers before him was also born near the Same place he was Born in the year 1781 March 12th My Mothers Name is Margret Calinder Daughter of Archibald Calinder & Margret Ewen Born She was Born at or Near Folkirk town StirlingShire Scotland in the year 1777 in January My Father Maried My Mother in Glasgow between the age of 19 & 20 years of Age their first child was Margret my Sister She Died aged 9 month & 9 Days by Small Pox My Brother William was Born in Glasgow in the year 1803 My Sister Christen was Born in Glasgow & Died aged 15 Month & Some Days with the Dregs of Hooping Cough My Sister Mary was Born in Kilsyth Stirling Shire Scotland in the year 1807 May 5t My Sister Margret was Born in Kilsyth Stirling Shire Scotland Next & Died aged about 13 or 14 Month old My Sister Janet was Born in Kilsyth StirlingShire Scotland about the year 1812 & Died in (Dalhousie Bathurst Districkt Canada west or upper Cannada) October 1824 the Next was A Gar[-] I being was Born Dead at 8 Month I being Next was Born at the Garril Mill Kilsyth StirlingShire Scotland in the year 1885 Aug 31t the Next was A Girl Born Dead at 8 Month My Brother Robert was Born Kilsyth SterlingShire Scotland in the year 1819 oct 24th My Father & Brother William & Sister Mary Emigrated to America in the Spring of 1822 & My Mother Sister Janet with Myself <& Robert> united one year expecting to follow the ensuing Spring but not hearing any acount only those that would Discourage She My Mother Sold out & Started <& got as Far> as far as Glasgow leaving her Sister Lishman & Ann who folowed her Next Day with A letter from my Father which had been wrote after he had got Safe across the ocean only my Sister Mary had nearly Died of Small Pox in the Ship and there was no acount of which way he Steered So we all Started aboard the Buckinham for Qebeck Pasage of five weeks & 3 Days and heard ----- new page (MSS537_p111.jpg) Archibald Gardner, ----- new page (MSS537_p112.jpg) Nov 20 1855 The Day R Gardner Son Died I in Kanyon at Shingle Mill 1867 25½ Days $10200 Due Packet last Settlemen verb 240 $ I will Pay Cooke 10 $ leaves<10>130 Paid by John Angus 106 12225 Diner at Date Due 124 $ to Packet 375 A Gardnr 18 50 ----- new page (MSS537_p113.jpg) 1859 Nomber of Plugs in Keg of 12lb Plugs Feb 22 Marry 8 Plug Raymond 8 Paterson 2 18 Thompson 2 Battles 1 Scott 1 Self 5 Plugs 9 25 50 18 90 7 50 505 40 434 00 71 60 75 5 375 [upside down text and drawings of birds] 230 00 2 66 106 00 1 60 124 00 1 06