It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any copyright clearances. Permission to publish material from this/these transcript(s) must be obtained from the Supervisor of Reference Services and/or the L. Tom Perry Special Collection Coordinating Committee. [Notes added by transcribers are in square brackets. Dashes in square brackets indicate unclear words or letters. indicate words the author inserted to a previously written line.] MSS 3875 - Jennie Anderson Froiseth Number of Pages: 9 ----- new page (MSS3875_p001.jpg) Office of the Anti-Polygamy Standard. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct 22 1881Eugene L. Ware Esq Dear Sir: A press of business both for the paper and Society prevents me from answering your letter in detail for the present. We will take pleasure however, in sending the Young Mens C.A. a copy of the Standard regularly, if you will send us the proper address. The Anti-Polygamy Society are engaged now in perfecting plans for a stirring winter – campaign, and they will be very glad of your co-operation, and that of all Christian Associations. I send you by this mail some back numbers of the Standard which may give you the information ----- new page (MSS3875_p002.jpg) you desire. The Standard is entirely dependent on outside patronage for means of existence, and all good people should do their best to circulate it, and help maintain it, for it is doing a great work. Could you not get the members of the Association to subscribe 15 cts each, in order to send the paper to some public man, in order to draw his attention to our work. The next 3 numbers will be very important ones, and ought to be circulated in every nook and corner of the Union, but the Society have not the means of doing so, and any help for this purpose will be greatly appre- ciated. Respectfully, Mrs. BAM. Froiseth Ed. Standard. ----- new page (MSS3875_p003.jpg) Office of the Anti-Polygamy Standard. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov 5 1881 Eugene L. Ware Esq. Dear Sir, Would not the Young Men's Christian Association assist us in circulating the Dec. and Jan. Nos ofthe Standard? Even a small ap- propriation would help us on in our work. They will be very im- portant numbers for free distribution, and for every dollar sent us, we will return 20 copies of the paper to be circulated where you deem they will do the most good. Please help us. An early answer is earnestly requested. Cordially Yours Anti-Polygamy Standard J A F. ----- new page (MSS3875_p004.jpg) [-] W. Hygins 20 A. G. Charlton 20 — E. L. Ware 20 J. L. McCo[-]en. 25 – C. E. Reynolds 25 – ----- new page (MSS3875_p005.jpg) Salt Lake City, Utah Dec. 23 1881 Eugene L Ware Esq Dear Sir, A press of business prevented me from for- mally acknowledging your letter covering $1.00 for the December Standard, 20 copies of which were duly forwarded. I sent you also five extra copies for your own special use. I presume they were received in safety or you would have notified us ere this. The regular copy sent to your address is intended for the Y. M. C A. free of course. We hope you will be able to do something also to assist us in circulating the Jan No, which is an important one. I write now to ask you if you could do us the favor to ----- new page (MSS3875_p006.jpg) find us a good responsible person who would canvass for the Standard in Omaha, and push it vigorously. If we could find the proper person who would take the matter in hand and make a good success of it, we would be willing to give a large commission, just for the sake of getting it introduced. As it is not a money making concern, but instituted for the sake of the work, we will pay larger commissions, we only want to clear expenses, and give us some means for scattering copies free. If at your convenience you can assist us in getting such a person we will be very grateful Very Sincerely Yours Jennie A Froiseth Ed. Standerd. ----- new page (MSS3875_p007.jpg) Salt Lake City, Utah Jan 18 1882 Dear Sir: Would you do us the signal service of having the enclosed notice inserted in some of the Omaha newspapers? We are so desirous of interesting the women of the county in our work, but we cannot afford to send out as many free copies of the paper as we would like, consequently we thought if we could get such notices spread widely, it would attract the attention of many women who would send for a copy of the paper. We might write, and make the request, but a letter can be put aside and neglected, while a ----- new page (MSS3875_p008.jpg) personal application will not be denied. If you can do us this favor, we shall appreciate it highly. How about an agent for the Standard? Very Respectfully Jennie A Froiseth Ed. Standard. ----- new page (MSS3875_p009.jpg) What woman in the country is not able and willing to devote the small sum of 10 cents to aid in abolishing the terrible crime of polygamy, and to free many thous- ands of her sex from a cruel and degrading bondage ? There certainly cannot be one, so every woman is cordially invited to send 10 cents to P. O. Box 385 Salt Lake City, Utah, for a copy of the Anti-Polygamy Standard.